The . Results when near saturated, warm maritime air is forced to rise by a coastal mountain barrier. Zambia has a predominantly humid subtropical climate with small patches of semi-arid steppe in the southwest of the country. The numbers relate to the location labels on the map. Lusaka City natural surface drainage (Natural Surface Water Flow Pattern) necta csee past paper Convection makes the air rise and cool. Moisture-laden wind blows in from the sea. The Zambia PPCR is both strategic and transformational. Sustainable development in the Temperate Deciduous Woodland. How does flooding affect humans and the environment? geography acsee The role of termites in building mounds which remain above most of the flood is important as this provides habitats for plants less tolerant of getting waterlogged, as well as safe breeding sites for birds and some animals. These are Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, Northern, North-Western, Rain occurs on the Windward side and little/no rain on the leeward slope. Camerapix International Publishing, Nairobi, 1996. history of South Africa It lies on plateau above 2000 m elevation, with grassland and shrubland dominating. What problems are caused by global warming? Development, population change and the demographic transition model, Strategies for reducing the development gap, How can the growth of tourism reduce the development gap? Once over the top of the mountain the air will usually drop down the other side, warming as it does so. Its surface is almost invariably consisting of a geologically stable land mass made up of the pre-Cambrian basement rock overlain in part by sedimentary cover of a later period. Zambia: Drought Operation Update Report 2, Emergency Appeal n Relief rainfall . Open a list of all cookies. For animals, adaptations to drought are seen in migration and breeding patterns, as well as the ability, found in rodents and reptiles especially, to obtain water requirements from food without the need to drink. It comprises an almost impenetrable bush consisting of about a hundred plant species woven together so densely that it is virtually impossible to walk through. How does food insecurity affect the environment? The downwind or leeward slope receives a small amount of rainfall in comparison. Temperatures average between 18C/64F in the morning and 29C/84F in the afternoon. Also falls at a shorter distance downwind of the ridge are called spillover, sometimes. Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests biome, Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands biome, Southern Rift montane forest-grassland mosaic, Tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests, Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands. Zambia Overview: Development news, research, data | World Bank necta biology There are three main types of rainfall which occur very frequently in the world and depend on a variety of factors. Most of Zambia forms part of the high plateau of this part of Africa (3,000 to 5,000 feet [900 to 1,500 metres] above sea level).Major relief features occur where river valleys and rifted troughs, some lake-filled, dissect its surface. The highest rainfall is in the north, especially the north-west and the north-east, decreasing towards the south; the driest areas are in the far south west and the Luangwa River and middle Zambezi River valleys, parts of which are considered semi-arid. More About Us. 1,015mm (39.96 inches). Traditionally, people have also migrated in the drier areas where rivers dambos are not prevalent. mathematics Seasons. How has the vegetation in the temperate deciduous forest adapted to the climate? kcse geography Zambia is a Sub -Saharan African country with a land area of 752,614 km. Factors that affect soil formation - A case study of a sparsely populated area Himalayan Mountains, A case study of a densely populated area Greater London. J. Prevailing winds in the dry season are generally moderate but occasionally more severe and may bring cool dust-laden air from distant arid regions. mathematics past papers Moderate rain describes . Here is the average precipitation. Types of Rainfall: Convectional, Frontal, Orographic Rainfall What are the effects of economic development in Nigeria on quality of life? slope and dry conditions on the downwind slope. Ecoregions of Zambia - Wikipedia Clouds form, and precipitation occurs. In the UK, prevailing winds from the west lead to air rising over upland areas like the Pennines. which specific area in zambia usually has relief rainfall What are the effects of deforestation in the Amazon? It covers: Covering about 15% of the country in the south, and drier than the Central Zambezian ecoregion, trees in this ecoregion are more scattered and generally smaller, and the relative proportion of woody shrubs is greater. Flooding in some parts of Lusaka. Aberfoyle Tea Estate in the Honde Valley Eastern Highlands is one of the places that receive a lot of Relief rainfall. eLimu | Physical Environment As a country with very distinct rainy and dry seasons, with a high rainfall in the former, and having a fairly flat topography, Zambian rivers and low-lying areas are prone to flooding, and there are extensive permanent swamps. Philip has traveled through Zambia several times and is the author of more than 20 guidebooks to various African destinations. Rough estimates of the percentage of the country covered as given below are for the original or natural state of the area before urbanisation and agriculture has modified it. The Water Cycle and The Three Different Types of Rainfall and Copy. Factors Influencing Weather and Climate - Geo for CXC How has rainforest vegetation adapted to the climate? As a result, rainfall is usually low on the leeward side of the mountain range and the area is said to be in a rain shadow. For plants this includes the deciduous habit (losing leaves to conserve water), very deep root systems, water-storing roots and tubers, waxy leaf cuticles, and drought-resistant seeds. Elsewhere, plants and animals are adapted to the long dry season. Sure, this shaded relief map is nice. As the air rises and cools, the orographic clouds form and serve as the precipitation source, where most falls upwind of the mountain ridge. What is the structure of the Temperate Deciduous Woodland? Plains are low relief Relief rainfall occurs very frequently near mountains beside the sea. Zambia particularly in the field of gemstone and industrial mineral, which offer great potential. Figure 1: Shows the study area (Zambia), marked green on the map of Africa. this type of rainfall occurs due to thermal convention due to heating of the ground surface. What challenges are associated with the growth of Rio? "The government of Zambia has an interest in maize, that's why they go in . The lack of water and thickness of the forest has kept the human population low, and despite some poaching and the absence of protection, the forest is still fairly rich in wildlife. If you've found the resources on this site useful please consider making a secure donation via PayPal to support the development of the site. PDF Zambia National Action Programme - Unccd Zambia weather in November 2023. j) The highest rainfall is recorded soon after the overhead sun in the months of April and October. ), a member of the legume family. This type of rainfall is called orographic rainfall or relief rainfall. Zambia is divided into three agro-ecological zones with distinct mean annual rainfall, ranging from 600mm to 1200mm. history Copy. What is the impact of humans on the savanna? Too much rain when the maize crop is flowering or late in the season when it should be drying off prior to harvest, can be very damaging and promotes rotting of stored grain. Case study 7: Exploring daily rainfall data to investigate evidence of climate change in southern Zambia and its implication for farmers in the area Parin Kurjia, Durton Nanja b, Roger Sternc a Head, Biometry Unit, Department of Crop Science, University of Overview; Climate Data. Precipitation types - Wikipedia in effect bring rainfall to the area. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT The site is self-funded and your support is really appreciated. Relief rainfall is when the warm moist air from the sea . In addition, dambos (grasslands which become marshy in the rainy season) are prevalent in most of the country and water is usually available in them from springs or shallow wells. It is found: This biome is represented by one ecoregion. The main patches are in: Most of Zambia (around 80%) is in this extensive biome. 82.8. Acid rain - characterized as containing harmful levels of sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxide; acid rain is damaging and potentially deadly to the earth's fragile ecosystems; acidity is measured using the pH scale where 7 is neutral, values greater than 7 are considered alkaline, and values below 5.6 are considered acid precipitation; note - a pH of 2.4 (the acidity of vinegar) has Like most of Southern Africa, Zambia also has rich biodiversity that is conserved in its many protected areas. PDF Zambia - AN OVERVIEW OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA - Central Connecticut State It can occur almost In the Kppen climate classification, most of the country is classified as humid subtropical or tropical wet and dry, with small patches of semi-arid steppe climate in the south-west. It is widespread on the west coast of the United Kingdom due to the prevailing weather coming from that direction. Much of the ecoregion in Southern Province (sometimes referred to as the Southern Plateau) and the south-east of Eastern Province (sometimes referred to as the Eastern Plateau) has been cleared for farming and ranching. necta biology past paper Use the images below to explore related GeoTopics. kcse Most of the rain occurs on the East side of the slope. Safaris, Tanzania (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ACSEE REVIEW QUESTIONS Relief: An illustration of the process of soil formation. The distinction between rainy and dry seasons is marked with no rain at all falling in June, July and August. PDF ZAMBIA Livelihood Zones and Descriptions July 2014 - ReliefWeb Black soils of floodplains are fertile, grasses grow on them as soon as the annual flood recedes and provide a rich resource for herbivores. The maximum heat is experienced during November, while the maximum rainfall is received during December. What is the structure of the tropical rainforest? PDF Climate Change Risk Profile Zambia As a result, rainfall totals of over 1,600 mm per year occur in the . Hydropower, based on dammed surface water reservoirs, is a key part of Zambias energy mix, but poor rainfall (e.g. When the Sun heats the Earth's surface, the ground heats the air above it. How to explain relief rainfall in short - Quora The Mfuwe section of South Luangwa can be visited at any time of year. In Zambia this biome is represented by only one ecoregion in a few patches, covering around 5% of the land area. 15.099 necta csee chemistry past papers Zambia-specific climate change and (2) some empirical background on literature . How is urban planning improving the quality of life for the urban poor in Mumbai? La Nia events impacts Eastern and Southern Africa - Malawi What are active, dormant and extinct volcanoes? the air above it. Heavy rainfall has driven flash and riverine flooding in Zambia, including in areas previously impacted by severe drought. Tours, Kenya Livingstone Projections for Zambia vary across models depending on assumptions; however, the majority of climate models suggest: Whirlwinds are very common but not usually destructive; waterspouts can be seen over lakes. types of rainfall in zambia - 1.1 Zambia and REDD+ readiness 1 1.2 Activities under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate . Climate and specifically rainfall amount is the chief determinant of type and distribution of the ecoregions of Zambia. There is no significantly discernable trend in the frequency of heavy rainfall events in recent years (McSweeney et al, 2010). Along the banks of permanent rivers and in the spray of waterfalls are evergreen thickets similar in character to tropical rainforest, relics of a wetter past. Safaris. Lucy is travel writer for a range of publications, including Lonely Planet's guides to Africa, Southern Africa and South Africa. Kalantary, C. (2010). The biomes and ecoregions in the ecology of Zambia are described, listed and mapped here, following the World Wildlife Fund's classification scheme for terrestrial ecoregions, and the WWF freshwater ecoregion classification for rivers, lakes and wetlands. In the north, rainfall is 1 250mm / 50in or more a year . Before the floods, more than 2.3 million people were expected to be severely food . Thus they produce a Rain shadow area. In the rainy season, winds are localised with thunderstorms and may be destructive but usually confined to small areas, such as blowing roofs off buildings. As the air rises, it cools, condenses and forms rain. Where are Temperate Deciduous Woodlands Located? Zambia - Zambia - Climate: Although Zambia lies within the tropics, its climate is modified by the altitude of the country and is generally favourable to human settlement and comfort. The most extensive ecoregion covering about 50% of the country, characterised by Miombo trees (Brachystegia sp. Camerapix: "Spectrum Guide to Zambia." Relief rain usually occurs along coastal areas where a line of hills runs along the . GEOGRAPHY POINT GEOGRAPHY,HISTORY, MAPS AND GIS, EXPLORE THE WORLD OF GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY, AND MAPS AN EDUCATIONAL SITE ABOUT GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. Warm wet air is forced to rise over high land. Through Strategic National Program Support, the PPCR is helping to make climate change an intrinsic part of economic development, while adopting a participatory, learning-by-doing response to Zambia's most vulnerable areas. So technically, Zambia is a very arid country with a humid and subtropical year with small patches of semi arid steppe. Jamaica Case Study, How can the growth of tourism reduce the development gap? What are the environmental impacts of economic development in Nigeria? Box 29053, Nairobi, Kenya Zambia has seen an increase in intercropping between the two years, with 7 percent of the surveyed households adopting intercropping between 2012 and 2015, Physical relief maps actually have raised areas that represent different elevations. During the 2019/2020 rainy season, Zambia recorded above normal rainfall which resulted into flooding and dry spells in isolated parts of the country particularly in Western Province. On the plateau (covering about 80% of the country) mean minimums for June in the cool dry season are in the range 612C, mean maximums for October, the hot dry season are 2835C. The leeward side is sometimes known as a rain shadow area. Temperatures are higher at lower elevations, such as the Luapula-Mweru and Mweru-Wantipa/Tanganyika valleys in the north, and highest in the lower Luangwa and Zambezi valleys in the south, typically experiencing 40C in October. To access more Ordinary level Geography topics go to Geography Notes Home. What are the social and economic opportunities associated with the growth of Rio? Rainfall is the amount of water falling in rain, snow, etc., within a given time and area, usually expressed as a hypothetical depth of coverage. csee review questions anywhere. However, parts of Muchinga and Northern provinces as well as Mansa, Ndola, Kabompo, Senanga, Livingstone and surrounding areas are likely to receive normal to below normal rainfall. The main impact pathway of climate change in the country is through increasing variability in rainfall amounts during the agricultural season across the various agroecological regions, and shifts in the duration of the rainy season. Relief Rainfall. Zambia climate: average weather, temperature - Climates to Travel The broad types of soil found in Zambia are: In areas where soils are waterlogged for all or part of the year, or are very infertile, sandy or acidic, they take over from climate as the predominant factor in determining the distribution of plants and animals. Did you know rain also occurs as the result of weather fronts and convection? Heavily Indebted Poor C ountry (HIPC), Zambia has recently qualified for debt relief under the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Zambia covers a total area of 752,612 km2 including borders, and lies between 8 and 18 south latitudes and longitudes 22 and 34 east. WFP Zambia Country Brief, January 2021 Format Situation Report Source. What is the impact of humans on the temperate deciduous woodland? Kalahari Sands in the south-west of the country are infertile and do not retain moisture, so are dominated mostly by deep-rooted trees with little growth in the understorey. chemistry past paper Zambias GDP growth rate by 0.4 percentage points per year, which costs the country US$4.3 billion over a 10-year period. Zambia has not been spared from the scourge of land degradation especially during the past ten (10) years. When the land warms up, it heats the air above it. [4][citation needed], The ability to grow enough food in the rainy season to last the long dry season is also a factor in population distribution. What is the location and importance of Mumbai? Savanna Climate: Location, Rainfall and Vegetation | Climatology Safaris, Uganda In neighbouring Lumezi District, around 60 families had to leave their houses. In the middle to late dry season, bushfires are prevalent, and smoke is noticeable by smell and as a haze. Corresponding variations are present in the recharge to a dolomite aquifer. Zambia Zambia - Home - Global yield gap atlas Water quality and pollution management in the UK. Types of Rainfall - Mr Carter's IGCSE Geography Flooding is an annual event on floodplains, to which people and wildlife are adapted. Afternoon temperatures are around 26C/78F and the humidity is high. Tours, Mozambique Much of population is concentrated in the country's most developed areaknown as the Line of Railwhich is served by the railway linking the Copperbelt with . [citation needed], Flooding is an annual event on floodplains, to which people and wildlife are adapted. Usually the days in November are hot while the nights are a bit cooler. Make decisions like a pro by using our 79,846 reviews and 216 destination guides. Relief rainfall is formed when the air cools as it rises over relief features in the landscape such as hills or mountains. The dry season is influenced by the Harmattan wind from the Sahara. flat and/or in low-lying areas. In Mambwe District, Eastern Province, nearly 300 families were displaced by floods in the first week of January, according to DMMU media reports, with Malambo constituency especially affected. Safaris, Rwanda By clicking Accept you agree that we use Analytical cookies for gathering information about how our does not contain personal information, cannot be traced back to you, and, Lusakas Climate Compared to Zambias Parks, Zambia This ecoregion predominates in the wettest part of the country, across the northern part of both 'lobes' of the country . The annual rainfall is more than 700 mm (28 in) in the Southern parts, while is more than 1,100 mm (43 in) in the northern parts. When the Sun heats the Earth's surface, the ground heats the air above it. Q Explain why Sialkot has over 250 mm of rain in July and August? Annual rainfall can reach up to about 1200 mm. The chain extends into Namibia and Botswana at one end (Caprivi wetlands and Okavango Swamp) and to Tanzania and Kenya at the other. the rain season ranges from 120 to 150 days.The soils are highly leached and generally acidic, . This is a type of rainfall that occur when warmer air is forced to rise over cold air. On the lee side of the similar mountain range, rainfall usually becomes low, and the area is in a rain shadow. How have animals adapted to the rainforest environment? The average temperature in Zambia in the summer season is 30C and in the winter (colder season) it can get as low as 5C., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. red sandveld soils cover most of the country, and are generally not very fertile due to weathering and leaching; the top soil is sandy and is more fertile where the top soil has a higher clay content. Rain Facts for Kids | The Rift Valley System (Fig 2.3 page 28) Climate of Zambia - Wikipedia Frost only occurs on a few days in winter on the highest exposed hills, or more widely in the lower humidity areas of the southern half of the country. rainfall - Weather and climate in the UK - BBC Bitesize Climate and specifically rainfall amount is the . What is the Demographic Transition Model? What are the physical characteristics of cold environments? Zambia has a predominantly humid subtropical climate with small patches of semi-arid steppe in the southwest of the country. Safaris, DR Congo United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. csee review questions pdf A delegation led by the DMMU, with the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Local Government and Ministry of Infrastructure is planning to assess the extent of damage in the affected areas. Heavy rainfall has driven flash and riverine flooding in Zambia, including in areas previously impacted A The continent is made up of very old Flat maps represent relief in a variety of ways. November - An unpredictable month, but usually with some afternoon rain. Zambia is in the Zambezian region of the Afrotropical biogeographic realm (or ecozone). The presence of fire-adapted plants and palaeoecological studies indicate that such fires have happened for millennia. If you've found the resources on this page useful please consider making a secure donation via PayPal to support the development of the site. [15] This means that the occurrence of extreme climate events such as droughts and floods would become more frequent. Most parts of Zambia will experience normal to above normal rainfall Rainfall in South Africa Projected Weather and Climate. If the annual flood is disrupted by dams, woody shrubs of lower nutritional value tend to replace grasses and so reduce the number of herbivores and biodiversity. Clouds form and produce rain. There are reports that more than 2 million people may be affected by the damage to agriculture. There are two main seasons: the rainy season (November to April) corresponding to summer, and the dry season (May to October/November), corresponding to winter.