Agriculture use operators may include office and meeting spaces within structures on lots with an agriculture use, so long as such structures are ancillary to the agriculture operation and not the primary function of the land, and must be less than 20% of the entire land space occupied by the agriculture operation. The dwelling units and individual lots of a two-family dwelling may be sold separately if separate utilities systems are provided and if separate lots for all dwelling units in a building are created in conformance with the Subdivision Regulations of the City of New Orleans. Ordinary maintenance may be performed on nonconforming towers. Phone: : 812-265-8925 . If you have any questions, please contact us at 304-725-2998 or 4. Where located in a residential district, hours of operation for events at cultural facilities are limited to 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays, and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. 5. An end-use plan shall be submitted. West Bank Office 1855 Ames Blvd., Suite A Child Care Center, Large: Fifty one (51) or more children. a. PDF Yards and Setbacks for Single Family Homes 12. The calculation of the total public seating area shall include the holding bar area in the calculation. Outdoor live entertainment secondary use establishments shall submit a noise abatement plan, to be reviewed by the Director of Safety and Permits, and all other appropriate City agencies, which shall address the intended use of amplification, noise levels, and need for soundproofing. Hours of operation are limited to 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., unless otherwise extended by the provisions of a conditional use. The construction of a fence or wall requires a building permit. Compliance with the New Orleans Sound/Noise Ordinance is required. Signs shall be mounted on the fenced enclosure and adjacent to any access points prohibiting entry without authorization, warning of danger from electrical equipment and unauthorized climbing of the tower. 1. 18. ashlyn 72" ladder bookcase / la montagne jean ferrat partition piano pdf / jefferson parish residential setback requirements. Signs shall also include the owner of the tower and a contact number in case of emergency. Look for your specific business in that description and if it is not mentioned, call the planning department for verification in writing. (orig.3-26-13) 3. For example, you may need to use a permeable patio material to minimize stormwater . The standards in Paragraph a above apply, with the exception of item iii. A noise abatement plan is required for live entertainment. Except for existing racetracks, all vehicular and pedestrian gates, driveways, and/or walkways shall be closed to the general public during the hours of operation on any day in which race events will be held after 6:30 p.m. except for gates located on a major street. Chapter 18.30 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 3. 5. 28,156, 14, August 8, 2019, Zoning Dockets 26/19 & 27/19. Sec. d. Gross floor area of the interior spaces shall be limited by the applicable zoning district. The location of such operations with respect to property lines, depth, and relation to the water table or floor criteria and the slope of the sides of any excavation shall be controlled to prevent a continuing, unsightly, hazardous, or wasteful condition of the land. 13. Deliver or mail the completed Application Form, Construction Specifications Form, along with your plot plan, construction plans and a copy of your local Zoning Permit to Jefferson County Fire Prevention and Building Code Office at 175 Arsenal Street, Watertown, N.Y. 13601, Phone No. The types of material tracking methods and recordkeeping to be employed to demonstrate compliance with any applicable recycling thresholds. b. The height regulations of the zoning district are applicable to cemeteries. Coordinating and cooperating with your local fire district early in the process may prevent costly alterations to your do-it-yourself, residential or commercial project and ensure compliance with all applicable health and safety standards. 1. In the OS-R, Rural Development and Historic Core Districts, horse stables shall be located no closer than fifty (50) feet from any residential district and twenty-five (25) feet from any public right-of-way. All rights reserved. ii. The outdoor play area shall be enclosed to protect children from traffic hazards and prevent the children from leaving the premises without proper supervision. Fencing of exterior exercise areas and any animals boarding quarters is required. If more than one (1) principal building exists on a lot, or two (2) or more contiguous lots have been historically acquired together and the second building was originally constructed and has been used for habitable space, as defined by the Building Code, at least five (5) years prior to the establishment of the short term rental, it may be included in the operation of the short term rental. 1. The distance is specified to secure roads, rivers, and highways. %PDF-1.6
Location. No blasting is permitted on Sunday or on the following legal holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Martin Luther King Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. New Orleans Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Subdivisions Required to Conform with Ordinance, Existing Nonconforming Structures and Uses, Certain Structures Rendered Nonconforming, Previously Granted Conditional Uses and Variances, New Violation Following Determination of Compliance, Executive Director of the City Planning Commission, Director of the Department of Safety and Permits, Expiration of Approvals and Extension of Time, General Standards for Planned Developments, Planned Development Exceptions from District Regulations, Required Protection of General Planned Development Districts, Required Protection of Previously-Developed General Planned Development Districts, Planned Development Standards for Maritime Mixed-Use District, Required Protection of Wetland and Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Planned Development Standards for Historic Core and Historic Urban Residential Districts, Planned Development Standards for Suburban Non-Residential Districts, Planned Development Standards for Commercial Center Districts, Planned Development Standards for Centers for Industry Districts, Affordable Housing Planned Development (AHPD), Commercial Center and Institutional Campus Districts, Location and Boundaries of Zoning Districts, Interpretation of Zoning District Boundaries, Ordinance Relationship to Structures Located within Public Right-of-Way, Purpose of the OS-N Neighborhood Open Space District, Purpose of the OS-G Greenway Open Space District, Purpose of the OS-R Regional Open Space District, Purpose of the GPD General Planned Development District, Purpose of the OS-CBD Central Business Open Space District, Purpose of the OS-AR Armstrong Regional Park District, Landscape, Stormwater Management, and Screening, Purpose of the R-RE Rural Residential Estate District, Purpose of the M-MU Maritime Mixed-Use District, Historic Core Neighborhoods Residential Districts, Purpose of the VCR-1 Vieux Carr Residential District, Purpose of the VCR-2 Vieux Carr Residential District, Purpose of the HMR-1 Historic Marigny/Trem/Bywater Residential District, Purpose of the HMR-2 Historic Marigny/Trem/Bywater Residential District, Purpose of the HMR-3 Historic Marigny/Trem/Bywater Residential District, Purpose of the Historic Core Neighborhoods Residential Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts, Permitted Residential Conversions in the Vieux Carr Districts, Design Standards for Vieux Carr Districts, Design Standards for Historic Marigny/Trem/Bywater Districts, Voluntary Inclusionary Zoning For Historic Core Residential Neighborhoods VCR-1, VCR-2, HMR-1, and HMR-2, Historic Core Neighborhoods Non-Residential Districts, Purpose of the VCC-1 Vieux Carr Commercial District, Purpose of the VCC-2 Vieux Carr Commercial District, Purpose of the VCE Vieux Carr Entertainment District, Purpose of the VCE-1 Vieux Carr Entertainment District, Purpose of the VCS Vieux Carr Service District, Purpose of the VCS-1 Vieux Carr Service District, Purpose of the HMC-1 Historic Marigny/Trem/Bywater Commercial District, Purpose of the HMC-2 Historic Marigny/Trem/Bywater Commercial District, Purpose of the HM-MU Historic Marigny/Trem/Bywater Mixed-Use District, Purpose of the VCP Vieux Carr Park District, Purpose of the Historic Core Neighborhoods Non-Residential Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Subdistrict, Historic Urban Neighborhoods Residential Districts, Purpose of the HU-RS Single-Family Residential District, Purpose of the HU-RD1 Two-Family Residential District, Purpose of the HU-RD2 Two-Family Residential District, Purpose of the HU-RM1 Multi-Family Residential District, Purpose of the HU-RM2 Multi-Family Residential District, Purpose of the Historic Urban Neighborhoods Residential Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts, Voluntary IZ for Historic Urban Neighborhoods Residential Districts - HU-RM1, HU-RM2, Historic Urban Neighborhoods Non-Residential Districts, Purpose of the HU-B1A Neighborhood Business District, Purpose of the HU-B1 Neighborhood Business District, Purpose of the HU-MU Neighborhood Mixed-Use District, Purpose of the Historic Urban Neighborhoods Non-Residential Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts, Density Bonus for Historic Urban Neighborhood Non-Residential District - HU-B1A, HU-B1, and HU-MU, Suburban Neighborhoods Residential Districts, Purpose of the S-RS Single-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-RD Two-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-RM1 Multi-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-RM2 Multi-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-LRS1 Lakeview Single-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-LRS2 Lake Vista and Lake Shore Single-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-LRS3 Lakewood and Country Club Gardens Single-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-LRD1 Lake Vista Two-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-LRD2 Lakewood/Parkview Two-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-LRM1 Lake Area Low-Rise Multi-Family Residential District, Purpose of the S-LRM2 Lake Area High-Rise Multi-Family Residential District, Voluntary Inclusionary Zoning for Suburban Neighborhoods Residential Districts - S-RM1, S-RM2, S-LRM1, and S-LRM2, Suburban Neighborhoods Non-Residential Districts, Purpose of the S-B1 Suburban Business District, Purpose of the S-B2 Pedestrian-Oriented Corridor Business District, Purpose of the S-LB1 Lake Area Neighborhood Business District, Purpose of the S-LB2 Lake Area Neighborhood Business District, Purpose of the S-LC Lake Area General Commercial District, Purpose of the S-LP Lake Area Neighborhood Park District, Purpose of the S-LM Lake Area Marina District, Purpose of the S-MU Suburban Neighborhood Mixed-Use District, Voluntary Inclusionary Zoning for Suburban Neighborhood Non-Residential District - SB-1, S-B2, S-LB1, S-LB2, S-MU, AND S-LC, Commercial Center & Institutional Campus Districts, Purpose of the C-1 General Commercial District, Purpose of the C-2 Auto-Oriented Commercial District, Purpose of the C-3 Heavy Commercial District, Purpose of the MU-1 Medium Intensity Mixed-Use District, Purpose of the MU-2 High Intensity Mixed-Use District, Purpose of the EC Educational Campus District, Purpose of the MC Medical Campus District, Purpose of the MS Medical Service District, Purpose of the LS Life Science Mixed-Use District, Purpose of the Commercial Center & Institutional Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts, Uses Associated With Colleges and Universities in the EC District, Commercial Center and Institutional Campus Districts Illustratives and Site Diagrams, Institutional Master Plan for EC and MC Districts, Changes to Approved Institutional Master Plans, Institutional Signage Plan for EC and MC Districts, Volunary Inclusionary Zoning for Commercial Center and Institutional Campus Districts C-1, C-2, C-3, MU-1, MU-2, and LS, Purpose of the LI Light Industrial District, Purpose of the HI Heavy Industrial District, Purpose of the MI Maritime Industrial District, Purpose of the BIP Business-Industrial Park District, MI District Commercial and Recreational Sub-District, CBD-2 Historic Commercial and Mixed-Use District, CBD-5 Urban Core Neighborhood Lower Intensity Mixed-Use District, CBD-6 Urban Core Neighborhood Mixed-Use District, Purpose of the Central Business Districts Mandatory Inclusionary Zoning Sub-Districts, Public Benefit Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Bonus Provisions, Public Park/Open Space Financial Contribution Standards, Landmark Preservation Financial Contribution Standards, Multi-Modal/Pedestrian Corridor Design Standards, Creation, Modification, and Removal of Overlay Zoning Districts, Intent, Relation to Base Zoning Districts, and Rules Governing the Application of Multiple Overlays, Application of Overlay Zoning Districts to Off-Site Accessory Uses, Purpose of the SC Suburban Corridor Use Restriction Overlay District, Purpose of the ENORC Eastern New Orleans Renaissance Corridor Use Restriction Overlay District, Purpose of the HUC Historic Urban Corridor Use Restriction Overlay District, Purpose of the St. Charles Avenue Use Restriction Overlay District, Purpose of the RDO-1 Residential Diversity Overlay District (Marigny/Bywater), Purpose of the RDO-2 Residential Diversity Overlay District (Trem/Sixth and Seventh Wards), Purpose of the AC-1 Arts and Culture Diversity Overlay District (Frenchmen, St. Bernard, Broad), Purpose of the AC-2 Arts and Culture Diversity Overlay District (Freret, Newton, Teche), Purpose of the AC-3 Arts and Culture Diversity Overlay District (St. Claude), Purpose of the AC-4 Arts and Culture Diversity Overlay District (Trem), Purpose of the RIV Riverfront Design Overlay District, Purpose of the CPC Character Preservation Corridor Design Overlay District, Purpose of the EC Enhancement Corridor Design Overlay District, Purpose of the CT Corridor Transformation Design Overlay District, Purpose of the GC Greenway Corridor Design Overlay District, Purpose of the HU-B1A Use Restriction Overlay District, Purpose of the LAS LaSalle Street Overlay District, Purpose of the Magazine Street Use Restriction Overlay District, Purpose of the Jackson Avenue Use Restriction Overlay District, Purpose of the Annunciation Street Overlay District, Purpose of the CSH Canal Street Height Overlay District, Purpose of the SCC South of Convention Center Height Overlay District, Purpose of the SBA St. Bernard Avenue Overlay District, PURPOSE OF THE MIDDLE HARRISON USE RESTRICTION OVERLAY DISTRICT, Purpose of the Coronet Court Multi-Family Housing Overlay District, SC Suburban Corridor Use Restriction Overlay District, ENORC Eastern New Orleans Renaissance Corridor Use Restriction Overlay District, HUC Historic Urban Corridor Use Restriction Overlay District, St. Charles Avenue Use Restriction Overlay District, Demolition and Reconstruction of Existing Facilities, RDO-1 Residential Diversity Overlay District, RDO-2 Residential Diversity Overlay District, AC-1 Arts and Culture Diversity Overlay District, AC-2 Arts and Culture Diversity Overlay District, AC-3 Arts and Culture Diversity Overlay District, AC-4 Arts and Culture Diversity Overlay District, Development Plan and Design Review Required, RIV Overlay District Sub-Districts and Areas of Applicability, Standards for Riverside of Floodwall or Levee, RIV-1 Lower Garden District Sub-District Standards, CPC Character Preservation Corridor Design Overlay District, Additional Design Review Approval Standards, CPC Overlay District Sub-Districts and Areas of Applicability, EC Enhancement Corridor Design Overlay District, EC Overlay District Sub-Districts and Areas of Applicability, CT Corridor Transformation Design Overlay District, GC Greenway Corridor Design Overlay District, Magazine Street Use Restriction Overlay District, Jackson Avenue Use Restriction Overlay District, SCC South of Convention Center Height Overlay District, Design Standards and Traffic Impact Analysis, Density Bonus for SBA St. Bernard Avenue Overlay District, Additional Density Bonus for SBA St. Bernard Overlay District, MIDDLE HARRISON USE RESTRICTION OVERLAY DISTRICT, Coronet Court Multi-Family Housing Overlay District, ALGIERS RIVERFRONT USE AND HEIGHT RESTRICTION OVERLAY, University Area Off-Street Parking Overlay District, Airport, Heliport, Helistop, and Seaplane Base, Batching Plant (Asphalt, Cement or Concrete), Check Cashing Establishment, Pay Day or Title Loan Establishment, or Pawn Shop, Construction or Demolition Debris Recycling Facility, Contractor Storage Yard and Outdoor Storage Yard, Dwelling, Established Multi-Family and Dwelling, Established Two-Family, Educational Facility (Primary, Secondary, and Vocational), Live Entertainment Secondary Use and Live Performance Venue, Motor Vehicle Dealership or Motor Vehicle Rental Establishment, Motor Vehicle Service and Repair, Minor or Major (Includes Tire Retail Shops), Parking Structure or Parking Lot (Principal Use), Private Residential Recreation Facilities (Indoor or Outdoor), Separation/Recovery Facility, Industrial Composting Facilities, and Waste Transfer Station, Wireless Telecommunications Antenna, Facility, and Tower, OUTDOOR LIVE ENTERTAINMENT - SECONDARY USE, All Activities Within an Enclosed Structure, Applicability of Bulk and Yard Requirements, LOTS WITH MULTIPLE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATIONS, Light Pole and Building-Mounted Lighting Heights, Outdoor Sales and Display, and Outdoor Storage, Permitted Encroachments into Required Yards, Grandfathered Deficiency of Required Vehicle Parking, Computation of Parking and Loading Requirements, Required Off-Street Vehicle Parking Spaces, Exemptions from Vehicle Parking Requirements, On-Street Spaces to Count Toward Parking Requirements, Exemptions from Bicycle Parking Requirements, Exemption for Approved Parking Management Plan in the EC Educational Campus District, Vehicle Space Reduction for Bicycle Spaces, Access Requirements for Off-Street Vehicle Parking Areas, Pedestrian Walkway Design within Parking Areas, Parking Pad Design for Single-Family and Two-Family Residential Uses, Vehicle Stacking Spaces for Drive-Through Facilities, Fee-in-Lieu of Parking [Reserved/To Be Determined], Landscape, Stormwater Management, & Screening, Minor Changes to Approved Landscape Plans, Selection, Installation, and Maintenance of Plant Materials, Wet-Tolerant and Drought-Tolerant Plant Requirements, Building Foundation Landscape and Landscape Yards, Refuse Disposal Dumpsters, Recycling Containers, and Refuse Storage Areas, Wind Pressure and Direct Load Requirements, Limitation on Items of Information for Permanent Signs, General Regulations for all Temporary Signs, Political and Non-Commercial Message Signs, Katrina Watermark Signs And Search and Rescue Signs, Multi-Family Identification Sign (Attached), Parking Lot Directional, Parking Area Identification, Menu Board Signs and Parking Lot Informational, Permanent Signs - Historic Core Neighborhood, Directory, Parking Lot Directional, Parking Area Identification, and Menu Board Signs, Wall Sign, Window Sign, and Projecting Sign, Exceptions for the Eastern New Orleans Renaissance Corridor Use Overlay District, Burden on Property Owner to Establish Legality, Suspension for Force Majeure or Acts of Public Enemy, Demolition of a Nonconforming Use or Structure, Destruction of Structures Containing a Nonconforming Use, Restoration and Expansion of Certain Nonconforming Uses, Residential Districts (Except Historic Core Neighborhoods Residential Districts, Historic Urban Neighborhoods Residential Districts, S-RS, S-RD, S-RM1, S-RM2, S-LRM1, and S-LRM2 Suburban Neighborhoods Residential Districts). 688. Outdoor: Two (2) spaces per station Indoor: One (1) space for each two hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area. 8. Such camera shall monitor all areas of the car wash. All livestock shall be kept so as not to cause any adverse impact, including but not limited to odor, noise, drainage, or pest infestation, on any other property. 12. See our Code Books page to see how books can be purchased at the Jefferson County Building Safety division office. Right before I was going to post this, same thing I did a year ago: Served on Jefferson Parish's Old Metairie Commission for over 10 years; last 7 as chairman. %%EOF
Up to five (5) guest bedrooms may be rented to guests, and occupancy shall be limited to two (2) guests per guest bedroom with a maximum ten (10) guests. The prohibition shall not include District Energy Systems primarily powered from the municipal energy grid, regardless of the grid's energy sources. Sec . The property shall be screened with a masonry wall or solid fence a minimum of six (6) feet in height. All structures used for the keeping of livestock shall be located a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from any lot line. All facilities shall comply with all Federal Aviation Administration requirements. A copy of any state preliminary report concerning the individual property shall be provided to the City Planning Commission and Department of Safety and Permits for review as part of the conditional use process. A bar shall submit a noise abatement plan, to be reviewed by the Director of Safety and Permits, and all other relevant City agencies. A noise abatement plan is required for the facility with a contact person designated to notify for violations. Call Louisiana One Call at 1-800-272-3020, before digging. 5. 3. One (1) space for each three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor area. The utility shall maintain the structure free of graffiti. If the use plans an increase in intensity, such as an expansion of floor area or increase in permitted occupancy, the security and operation plan shall be updated and resubmitted for approval. Group home - small: Up to six (6) residents, b. Boundary Trees Law: La. Golden, CO 80419 . A general admission fee or any other monetary donations (payment at the door to the general public) for entrance is prohibited, with the exception of fundraisers or events for bona fide non-profit organizations, places of worship or educational facilities. All livestock shall be kept within fences, corrals, barns, enclosures, or pens. Chemicals and other flammable materials shall be disposed of in accordance with federal and state requirements. 7. a. Public entrances shall face the street. Standard restaurants shall submit a summary of the number and location of places of worship, educational facilities, and parks and playgrounds within three-hundred (300) feet of the proposed location. 28,156, 14, August 8, 2019, Zoning Dockets 26/19 & 27/19. 2. The soil samples shall be representative samplings from the entire portion of the site to be used for agricultural purposes. 5. All restaurants serving alcoholic beverages shall provide exterior security cameras. 17.20.080 Lot coverage. Adult uses are prohibited within a thousand (1,000) feet of any residential district, place of worship, educational facility, and park or playground. c. Facilities shall follow methods of composting approved by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality that minimize odors and vectors, and produce a useful and stable product. Directions. are supposed to be minimum of 3 feet from rear and side property lines. The setbacks might increase if you have structures, say a tower, that exceed a given height. There shall be a soft surface (sand, mulch, grass, mats, etc.) It's on the ground, so it doesn't require handrails or stairs. jefferson parish residential setback requirements 7. jefferson parish residential setback requirements. Such containers are required at a rate of one (1) thirty (30) gallon container for each rental space or an equivalent storage capacity in centralized storage facilities. Written proof of application for all required permits from state and federal authorities, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, and Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality shall be submitted.