If you know how to harness the energy, you can practically do anything. 23.Capala (Hindi Origin) one of the many names that mean "lightning", but can also translate to "swift". If electricity is our fire, then Thomas Edison is our Prometheus. Kidadl has lots of great baby names articles to inspire you. Bolt A short and snappy name that brings to mind the quick and sudden movement of electricity. Tenku () This name means sky in Japanese, which can also be associated with electrical phenomena like lightning. As a name, Tempest suggests energy, power, and a strong personality. 22.Bronte (Greek Origin) meaning "thunder". Static A name that brings to mind the crackle and hum of static electricity, which can be associated with a powerful and intense energy. Storm Storm is a unisex name that simply means storm or violent weather. It is a unique and powerful choice for a childs name. Some girl names that mean electric include Elektra, Elica, Electra, Electrina, Zarys and Stellara. For thousands of years, thunder and lightning were mysterious events, personified as gods to be worshipped or considered the acts of certain angry gods. In painting and sculpture, hes depicted holding a hammer and surrounded by drums, which produce thunder and lightning. For this reason also he should take out the oblations subsequent (to the full-offering). A mental son of Brahma was the deity identifying Wattage Pros. Zapper A name that brings to mind the sudden and powerful energy of an electrical zapper. MCS Enterprises. Liraz A Hebrew name meaning my secret or my joy. It can also mean electricity in modern Hebrew. Ainsley (#399), Aubrey (#36), Jade (#111) and Maeve (#334) are four of the more . Aela Aela is a feminine name of Gaelic origin that means whirlwind or storm., Ciaran Ciaran is a unisex name of Irish origin that means dark-haired or stormy.. These names can be used to name pets or people, with names such as Stormy or Thunder being popular choices. In early religious texts, he plays a variety of roles, from being a bringer of rains to being depicted as a great warrior, and a king. Artemis: a Greek goddess who protected young women until they marry. Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet, How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates. Chicago: A.C. McClurg and Co. Jenks, A. Pallas the Titan god of battle and warcraft. Joule: This name means unit of energy and could be a great name for someone who is full of energy and enthusiasm. 5, No. Cars are running because of the energy. All-Nations Publishing. His name comes from the Germanic word for thunder. Raijin is the Japanese god associated with thunderstorms, and is worshipped in Daoism, Shintoism, and Buddhism. Spark: This name is inspired by the spark of electricity and could be a great name for someone who is creative and full of energy. University of California Publications in American Archaeology, 227353. "After the incident", I started to be more careful not to trip over things. PowerPros.org. The populations included the Semitic successors of the Babylonians and . Enzo Italian name meaning winner or victorious, representing a dynamic and energetic personality. Philomena: This Greek name means "powerful love". It could be an excellent name for someone who is creative and innovative. (Not really electrical name wise because it is the name of a French philospher but it has the word volt and its pretty clever.) ElectricEfficiency.com. Beings of electricity are often even more chaotic than their fiery counterparts. She has been equated with Medh. The Bontoc Igorot. (Gung Din) This name means photoelectric or optoelectronic and is associated with the conversion of light energy into electrical energy. Perun - Slavic for 'thunder.'. Below are some names that mean wind along with their meanings: These are just a few examples of names that mean wind, and their meanings vary depending on their cultural and historical contexts. The Philippines: A Unique Nation. That 'blowing (pavamna)' form of his he laid down on this earth, that 'purifying (pvaka)' one in the ether, and that 'bright (suki)' one in the sky. Southeast Asia Institute. Dynamo A name that refers to a generator that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. 49.Freyr (Old Norse Origin) the name of the "God of weather", 50.Gale (English Origin) representing the strong force of winds, 51.Jupiter (Latin Origin) this is the name of the Roman God of weather, sky, and lightning, 52.Saar (Hebrew Origin) name meaning "storm". Being quick-minded, Electrus may sometimes do things without thinking . It's a classic surname, which can make for an attractive first name in today's society. Livewire A name that refers to a person or animal who is full of energy and enthusiasm. Oliver Latin name meaning olive tree, representing a lively and adventurous spirit. Magec, Tenerife goddess of the Sun and light. Raiden () is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series. 7. Mindoro Highlanders: The Life of the Swidden Agriculturists. Tempest: This name is inspired by storms and could be a great name for someone who is powerful and intense. Filipino Children's Favorite Stories. It means 'thunder' and 'lightning.'. They can symbolize strength, enthusiasm, and creativity. Neil Neil is a masculine name of Gaelic origin that means cloud or passionate. It can also be associated with rain, as clouds are often a precursor to rain. Zeus - In Greek mythology, Zeus is the god of thunder and lightning. Egyptologist Jan Assmann has also suggested that Greek Elysion may have instead been derived from the Egyptian term ialu (older iaru), meaning "reeds," with specific reference to the "Reed fields" (Egyptian: sekhet iaru / ialu), a paradisiacal land of plenty where the dead hoped to spend eternity. Ramman - The name means the 'thundering one.'. Blaze This name has a fiery and electrifying quality to it, making it a great choice for a character with a fiery personality. Ancient, sharpened stone axes were also worn on the clothing, as they were believed to be the symbol of the god and could supposedly cure illnesses. "Shake off your slumber. Beyer, H. O. However, there do seem to thunder and lightning gods in many religions. This originally female-based name can be used for a male also. These names are inspired by the power and majesty of thunder and can symbolize strength, courage, and energy. This weather name refers to a "violent and windy storm". Shockingly-good electric Pokemon nicknames for pikachu, zapdos, zekrom and more. By the judgment of thunder, slay God." Elsa (The Sacred Blacksmith) "Lightning strikes twice in this townand the second time I strikeit's for keeps! Alacacin, C. (1952). The Daily Dose July 27, 2017. Names Meaning Electric or Lightning typically connote a person with extraordinary qualities of courage and ambition. Donar A Germanic name derived from the Norse god Thor, who was associated with thunder. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. TITANS ATLAS CRONUS MNEMOSYNE OCEANUS PROMETHEUS Nicdao, A. Lightning sparks a sense of excitement that you may want to encourage in your new baby's life. The following is a list of solar deities: J. Ryckmans, "South Arabia, Religion Of", in D. N. Freedman (Editor-in-Chief). Ditaujas (Indian origin) means "glowing with energy". In votive inscriptions, his name is also spelled Taranucnus or Taranucus. Aria An Italian name meaning air or song, which can also symbolize electricitys power to create sound and energy. Earth Goddesses. Cai Cai is a unisex name of Welsh origin that means rejoice or to rejoice. It can also be associated with rain, as rain can be seen as a sign of renewal and rejuvenation. If you still haven't found what you're looking for, get inspired by some other weather words that make unique names for your little boy or girl. His Latin name luppiter is derived from Dyeu-pater that translates as Day-Father. Asuang Steals Fire from Gugurang. Mawu, Dahomey goddess associated with the Sun and the Moon. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Some names that mean lightning or electricity: Some names that are related to the weather: These names can be great choices for parents looking for a name that is powerful, unique, and evokes a sense of energy and intensity, like a storm. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. 5.Kaminari (Japanese Origin) word for "thunder" Answer (1 of 6): The most commonly one known in Europe is the Viking god THOR. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. O n this site the elemental Goddesses of the earth are represented by the Harvest Goddesses.This is because the earth element includes not only the physical qualities of the land but also its fertile nature. Pan a fertility deity in, more or less, bestial form. Electrus's Bio: Electrus is the god of electricity. The Japanese believe that the thunder god is responsible for a bountiful harvest, so Raijin is still worshipped and prayed to. Beyer, H.O. He is also one of the most important characters of West African, African American, and Caribbean folklore. Who is the Roman god of electricity? As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. Apollo Olympian god of music, poetry, art, oracles, archery, plague, medicine, sun, light and knowledge. The raining event happened in Nanda Gaon en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_thunder_gods, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Cruz-Lucero, R., Pototanon, R. M. (2018). God of lightning and death. Edison: This name is inspired by Thomas Edison, who is best known for his invention of the light bulb. In today's time, we cannot imagine anything without electricity. Aurora: This name is of Latin origin and means dawn. It is also the name of the natural light display in the sky. Women in Philippine Folktales. so it's important to make sure you get their name right. Thor - In Norse mythology, Thor is the god of thunder and lightning. For other uses, see. God in me is the mantra, the energy of the mantra, the voice of the mantra and the person of the mantra. Kendra: May be from an Old English name meaning "bold power". Ohm Named after Georg Simon Ohm, a German physicist who formulated Ohms Law, which describes the relationship between electrical current, voltage, and resistance. In Latvian folklore, Prkons is depicted with weapons such as a golden whip, a sword, or an iron rod. " tara. Lively An English name that means full of life, representing a lively and vivacious personality. Samiel A Hebrew name meaning poison wind or death-bearing wind., Fhn A warm and dry wind that blows down the slopes of the Alps, also known as a snow-eater., Aero Greek name meaning of the air or airy., Anila Indian name meaning air or wind., Aria Italian name meaning air or song., Aura Latin name meaning breeze or gentle wind., Sky English name meaning sky or heaven., Vayu Indian name meaning air or wind., Yr Norwegian name meaning air or breeze.. The proper god for this role could be one of the sons of Agni known as Pavaka. Electra A Greek name meaning amber or shining. It is also the name of a figure in Greek mythology who was associated with electricity. Spark A name inspired by the small bursts of electrical energy that create a spark. When the country wanted rain, his help was sought by a sacrifice called aquilicium. You might want to give it a nickname based on the fact that it is an electric-type critter and a mouse. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Thor - The Norse god of thunder. He and his three siblings--Nike (Victory), Bia (Force) and Zelus (Rivalry)--were the winged enforcers of the gopd Zeus, angel-like beings who stood in attendance of the heavenly throne. Sparky A name that refers to a person or animal who is full of energy and enthusiasm. In Our Islands, Our People: The Histories and Cultures of the Filipino Nation, edited by Cruz-Lucero, R. Jocano, F. L. (1958). Reiji Electricity and magnetism, representing the attraction and repulsion of electrically charged particles. Boreas In Greek mythology, Boreas is the god of the north wind. 46.Zryan (Islamic Origin) is one of many boys' names that mean "storm". Gizmo A name that refers to a gadget or device that uses electricity. (Din Q) This name means electricity and magnetism or electrical engineering.. Watts: This name means unit of power and could be an excellent name for someone who is powerful and strong. Kidadl provides inspiration to entertain and educate your children. Taranis - In Celtic mythology, Taranis is the god of thunder who was primarily worshipped in Britain and . Keraun Keraun is a Greek name meaning thunderbolt. It suggests power, strength, and a forceful nature. To prove this we consider one more context during Dwaparyuga, in Nanda Gaon when Lord Krishna intentionally told everyone to stop worshiping Indra to overcome Indra proudy nature and that led to heavy raining and lightening in Nanda Gaon . Here are some cat names that mean electric: Some names for pets, inspired by electricity: Here are some Japanese girl names that have meanings related to electricity: Note: Its important to note that the meanings of Japanese names can vary depending on the kanji characters used to write them, so these names may have other possible interpretations as well. Manila: Bureau of Printing. Ethnography of the Bikol People. In Chinese tradition, hes identified with the god Ti-shi, but in Cambodia, hes known as Pah En. Kidadl is independent and to make our service free to you the reader we are supported by advertising. As a name, Bolt suggests strength, power, and energy. Heres a look at popular thunder and lightning gods in different cultures and mythologies. Your email address will not be published. Polytheistic peoples from many cultures have postulated a thunder god, the personification or source of the forces of thunder and lightning; a lightning god does not have a typical depiction, and will vary based on the culture. It is also common that those with these types of names tend to be highly intelligent, innovative individuals who possess the drive to succeed despite obstacles. Additionally, Enel's name may be a reference to the ancient Mesopotamian deity Enlil and/or the Semitic deity El (from which descends many names meant to honor the Biblical God, such as Michael and Raphael). uMvelinqangi, Xhosa and Zulu people 's god of the Sun and sky. Baby names that mean thunder names that mean lightning are great for a boy. Hes commonly depicted with his hammer Mjolnir and was invoked for victory in the battle and for protection during voyages. In Our Islands, Our People: The Histories and Cultures of the Filipino Nation, edited by Cruz-Lucero, R. Fox, R. B. 67.Indra (Indian Origin) meaning "possessor of rain drops". English name meaning "thunder god". Dustin. Raiden Raiden is a Japanese name meaning thunder and lightning. It suggests power, energy, and strength. He was known to the Hurrian people as Teshub, while the Hattians called him Taru. The Romans regarded the flint stone or pebble as the symbol of lightning, so Jupiter was represented with such a stone in his hand instead of a thunderbolt. The Aztec god of lightning, sunset, and death, Xolotl was a dog-headed god who was believed to be responsible for the creation of humans. Unlike hurricanes and typhoons, tornadoes are not given official names. Athena, also spelled Athene, in Greek religion, the city protectress, goddess of war, handicraft, and practical reason, identified by the Romans with Minerva. Historical and Cultural Data of Provinces. Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Watt Named after James Watt, a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer who developed the steam engine and made important contributions to the development of electrical power. 9.Barak (Hebrew Origin) meaning "flash of lightning", 10.Donar (Scandinavian Origin) the name of the God of Thunder, 11.Donner (German Origin) means "thunder" in the German language, 12.Foudre (French Origin) name meaning "lightning", 13.Perun (Slavic Origin) this name means "thunder", but Slavic mythology saw him as the God of lightning, 14.Petir (Indonesian Origin) word for "lightning", 15.Rai (Japanese Origin) means "lightning" and "thunder", 16.Raiden (Japanese Origin) means "God spirit", but is also one of the names that mean lightning or thunder, 17.Ramiel (Hebrew Origin) name meaning the "thunder of God". Volta Named after Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist who invented the first electric battery, a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Solaras Border Collies Names for Hyper Dogs! Genesis 1:1-31 ESV / 2 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. Raine Raine is a feminine name that is directly derived from the word rain. It can also be spelled as Rayne or Rain, and can be a unique and meaningful choice for parents. Maccoy. Adlao: the Bicolano son of Dagat and Paros; joined Daga's rebellion and died; his body became the sun; Unnamed God: a Bicolano Sun god who fell in love with the mortal, Rosa; refused to light the world until his father consented to their marriage; he afterwards visited Rosa, but forgetting to remove his powers over fire, he accidentally burned Rosa's whole village until nothing but hot springs remained, Sanghid: the Waray giant who wove cloth on a gold loom with supernatural speed; has the power to move back the Sun, Liadlao: the gold-bodied Bisaya son of Lidagat and Lihangin; killed by Kaptan's rage during the great revolt; his body became the Sun, Adlaw: the Bisaya Sun deity worshiped by the good, Launsina: the Capiznon goddess of the Sun, Moon, stars, and seas, and the most beloved because people seek forgiveness from her, Magrakad: the Tagbanwa god found at exactly noontime on the other side of the Sun; gives the warmth which sustains life and, when the people are ill, carries away sickness, Tumangkuyun: wash and keep clean the trunks of the two sacred cardinal trees in Sidpan and Babatan by using the blood of those who have died in epidemics; the blood he uses causes the colors of the sunrise and sunset, Libtakan: the Manobo god of sunrise, sunset, and good weather, Unnamed Gods: the Bagobo gods whose fire create smoke that becomes the white clouds, while the Sun creates yellow clouds that make the colors of the rainbow, Kadaw La Sambad: one of the two T'boli supreme deities; married to Bulon La Mogoaw; lives in the seventh layer of the universe, Lageay Lengkuos: the greatest of Teduray heroes and a shaman (beliyan) who made the earth and forests; the only one who could pass the magnet stone in the straight between the big and little oceans; inverted the directions where east became west, inverted the path of the Sun, and made the water into land and land into water, Sun Deity: the divine Maranao being depicted in an anthropomorphic form as a flaming young man; angels serve as his charioteers, A possible sun goddess, whose cult has become that of, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 18:16. Kilowatt A unit of power used to measure electrical energy. Moreover, it also helps in avoiding confusion about your business in front of people about your energy business. Are there any female trinities in Hinduism? The time is at hand. These names are inspired by the idea of being full of energy, lively, and vibrant. Phoenix This name has a fiery and electric quality to it, making it a great choice for a character with a powerful and passionate personality. In Baltic languages, his name means thunderer and thunder god. Bringing you the latest on professional naming guides and more. Israel m Jewish, English, Spanish, Biblical, Biblical Greek. Mistral A strong, cold wind that blows from the north through the Rhone valley in France. Philippine Mythology. By 141 BCE, the Parthian Empire ruled the region, and Babylon was a deserted ruin, so Marduk was also forgotten. Keavy An Irish name meaning gentle breeze, but it can also be associated with the idea of an electric current. According to historians, his worship included sacrificial victims, which were burned in a hollow tree or wooden vessel. The thunder god is usually depicted as a fearsome creature with a blue body, bat wings, and claws. The names all relate to their respective element, which aren't limited to just the main four (air, water, fire, earth) in this generator. Tesla Named after the famous inventor and physicist Nikola Tesla, who made significant contributions to the development of electrical power. While he has degrees in both Creative Writing and Marketing, much of his research and work are focused on history and mythology. Lightning A name inspired by the powerful electrical discharges that occur during a thunderstorm. It becomes clear to the public if you have a relatable name with your energy business. 122123. In ancient Mexico, they were a loyal companion even after death. Spark A name that brings to mind the sudden and explosive energy of an electrical spark. Well, Indra is certainly associated with the thunderbolt but he is more a God of Rain and Thunder rather than of electricity. 75.Breeze (English Origin) the name for "a light wind" isn't fully representative of a storm, but it's still a cute option, 76.Cirrus (Latin Origin) meaning "a wispy cloud", 77.Cumulus (English Origin) meaning "a puffy cloud", 78.Haze (English Origin) describes when dust or smoke obscure the sky, 79.Misty (American Origin) "covered in mist", 80.Snow (English Origin) meaning "frozen ice crystals", 81.Stratus (English Origin) the word for "low-level clouds". They are passionate about turning your everyday moments into memories and bringing you inspiring ideas to have fun with your family. Flash: This name is inspired by lightning flashes and could be a great name for someone who is quick-witted and energetic. Thora was the Goddess of Thunder. His temples were the Esagila and the Etemenanki. The God of Thunder is arguably the best-known superhero who wields electricity in the form of his lightning. The strength of a stormy unisex name can give your child the toughness they need to succeed in life. Mjolnir - The name of Thor's hammer. Zeus/Jupiter (Greco-Roman Mythology), the Greco-Roman God of Lightning. The following series of good electronic company names are from a variety of businesses that focus on new innovations. The Rev. Philippine Sociological Review Vol. The term Dyeu is etymologically identical with Zeus, whose name is derived from the Latin word for god - deus. Thor: This name is inspired by the Norse god of thunder and lightning and could be a great name for someone who is strong and powerful. Manila. 70.Regen (German Origin) means "rain" in German, 71.Sade (Finnish Origin) means "rain" - (Pronounced Sah-day), 73.Ulan (Philippine Origin) means "rain" in Tagalog, 74.Uteki (Japanese Origin) a beautiful name meaning "raindrops". Electricity Attacks Virgil Hawkins/Static (Milestone Comics) Power/Ability to: Release/use electricity to various attacks. 63.Bengy (English Origin) meaning "threatening rain", 64.Dalfon (Hebrew Origin) meaning "raindrop", 65.Iravat (Hindu Origin) a name meaning "rain clouds", 66.Zenebe (African Origin) a beautiful name meaning "raining". It's traditionally a boys' name but the sound works for a female as well. Being married to a Goddess, he was granted Godlike status and given immortality which did him no good at all. Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? Olympus goddess of electricity. Asher Hebrew name meaning happy and blessed, symbolizing a lively and joyful spirit. Ramiel - This means the 'thunder of God.'. Here are some dog names that mean electric: These names are inspired by the idea of electricity and can symbolize power, energy, and liveliness. We get the word 'electricity' from it. Faraday: This name is inspired by Michael Faraday, a famous physicist and chemist who contributed significantly to the field of electromagnetism. Nico Greek name meaning victory of the people, symbolizing a lively and outgoing personality. Jolt A name that refers to a sudden and powerful electrical shock or surge. Dynamo A name that refers to a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Being the god of electricity, he can move at the speed of lightning (naturally). Pluie Pluie is a feminine name of French origin that means rain. It is a direct reference to the weather phenomenon and can be a unique and meaningful choice for parents. The Celtic god of thunder, Taranis was represented by the lightning flash and the wheel. It can also be associated with lightning, which travels at incredible speeds. Ampere Named after Andr-Marie Ampre, a French physicist and mathematician who made important contributions to the study of electromagnetism and electrical currents. Wendy: This name is of English origin and means friend of peace. It is also the name of the wind in J.M. 110 Powerful Names for Energetic Dogs (From Chipper to Zipper) Barbara Fitzgerald Jun 9, 2022 12:52 PM EDT Border Collies are known for their high energy. Holy Angel University. Phoebe Greek name meaning bright or shining, representing a lively and enthusiastic spirit. A gentle rain can bring a peaceful calm, just as a name with the meaning can represent your serene sweetie. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. Buenabora, N. P. (1975). As a well-known name in the 'Mortal Kombat' game series, the thunder god, also known as Raiden, is considered a legendary figure. Some of the most common types of storm names include: These are the names given to tropical cyclones that occur in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Oceans. Miller, J. M. (1904). Philippine Short Stories. (1913). So, Indra is equated with Vidyut i.e Indra is the deity of cloud, thunder and electricity. In 776 BCE, Zeus was built a sanctuary at Olympia, where Olympic Games were held every four years, and sacrifices were offered to him at the end of each game. Joule Named after the English physicist James Prescott Joule, who is known for his work on thermodynamics and the unit of energy that bears his name. uci or Saura (solar- fire). Your company name should be easy to pronounce. Galvani: This name is inspired by Luigi Galvani, a famous Italian physician and physicist who contributed to the field of bioelectricity. Xcel Electrics. Raijin (Japanese/Shinto Myhology), the Japanese God of Lightning. His Latin name luppiter is derived from Dyeu-pater that translates as Day-Father. Indra is one of the main gods of the Rigveda, but later became a major figure in Hinduism. Maka-andog: A Reconstructed Myth from Eastern Samar, Philippines. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. Similar to tornadoes, snowstorms are not given official names. Hikari () This name means light in Japanese and can also be associated with electricity. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Gokul is different from Govardhan. (Din Z) This name means electron and is associated with electricity because electrons are the carriers of electric charge. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? Power. Overall, names that mean electricity or lightning often suggest a powerful, dynamic, and unique personality, full of energy and potential. Bolt ( a electrically charged phenomena that occurs when electrons react with the opposite charged particles in clouds or the ground (lightning bolt)or fast moving. Philippine Ethnographic Series. The Vayu Purana Chapter 29, Progeny of Agni mentions the following: 1-2. There are different local traditions and beliefs about these thunder and lightning gods, but they were generally seen as protectors from the forces of nature, givers of bountiful harvests, and the ones who fought alongside warriors during times of war. 29.Aella (Greek Origin) name meaning "storm wind" or "whirlwind", 30.Alizeh (Persian Origin) this name means "wind", strong winds can be part of a storm, 31.Arashi (Japanese Origin) meaning "storm", 32.Asifah (Arabic Origin) a female Arabic name meaning "storm" or "hurricane", 33.Audra (Lithuanian Origin) represents a "storm" or "noble strength".