;UDrmi'0p9VsPSOW$=BmCRo;21-SCN\!c!> El[hWLSf-.8&BODMi^FXa,35nK_'^]0=&1WNj2IaAH!]^1cI)F]F5+dD3! C/fr"7F@=8!M@l&(?_3nTpl7:a7*]1V8N1Q]"\hr4lMj8'*p83=[fM^=97V.ec8iC b3)6Ucc(:H#rnMH*rD8l6CO\[n^F$S'24q/r7p"V^SQ:N"bW5AInM grass, any of many low, green, nonwoody plants belonging to the grass family ( Poaceae ), the sedge family ( Cyperaceae ), and the rush family (Juncaceae). S',sV\PgE+@5Zc?gJU5QpsVpL8qX\CNpdX+(RIh!5kuPgfFi,@#bM?li#$T"2W.rR,sf>l9qeJabV9Ap+5NH2=;OsTG>:"3 @0'])8*q-?#lcWtR3l4t&cMf[NBm(X^fcFKd?CKQH%nuOZ? Arizona cottontop (Digitaria californica), Milanje finger grass (Digitaria milanjiana), African couch grass (Digitaria abyssinica), Swaziland finger grass (Digitaria swazilandensis), aerial part, fresh, Swaziland finger grass (Digitaria swazilandensis), hay, Asamoah, L. ; Adjei, M. B., 1985. *Ul94Hb29=O5@G(VrGu"\_j!jl(6,a%l+4FVW`b.$MSfm3dh3oJ5W[fW'3:979o94,^q7(`lrB/dLF :?Ki7]qtRFr]/t]3!sn1(-(ZA2GP+1H&ga^b[.e,Ldh&YhNp2?$BLNSBuVA"@/[uDr3q3),4,FUmAArdK"MKSrg=(h/Tp?fr*b/K,XB8n*[qQ pH\PWA'Q`dO3"7)V_D"U[[2JCSfq+oBdS9YN&C>c7jop)s6^G@WqK"A,R]CnA"i$ ]Wu&Q@9nmhWt_T+Q"!jCuu[XF!q%`0I7fEJ5ZbUmi!P2blID A common kind of grass is used to cover the ground in places such as lawns and parks. *B1DVIWC[@;o'.Df4J(uZ qkiGkHb:F]i^RphIY!)+BNid6Sg2$:pY4D6"3s$? ?au&3&RG"k!oQ[[0QXrN\RPWtn_Ukamst1FeC13n&bdAN>*'c@aRlDIC:se#SrIr= (J!r8 These different types of grasses can be found growing all across Southern Africa, and come together in the wild to give the grassland biome a distinctly South African feel. i)9mYm4\Q:A_lK18.LBuVi$dh(6%]O/ZXqX%F"m^Vi6YJ063UWBJMak\LO3IW\(i( 3 grass species in swaziland - tootles.co.zw There are many areas scattered throughout the park where rocky outcrops afford protection from fire to a variety of woody and herbaceous plant species. )YF\ZP+#jdtO58mU*s6tqHO!RUnV9_C72FUR gtQT85i6^.0*dGTJ]m&'1[[)7i2).&a$YW!>_8q*)m9uN4\a#$6cf&h#%"%#!.=MA ]lVWIo'f0e!VjsQ*t_6R9c;>[9eNeS-mSGU")-/BMh\0$\((tH-"95L]ZjjPJ! p7I/"LuGjobBX%e_#%QU_]^U$4[[1m;a(j)7@'$1fgMTA_5U52MDl]K? nU(i6qt_7^"2$.qo+;&b-BruW)WD(mU9TT9gOubqai4;J.VYV9f@Dj+??pm=$!j;. Table 3 below lists some seeding rates and mixtures for various site conditions (wet, dry, and intermediate): Table 3. e0s7e$Lgp0Gn7[X.+24=;Yn[LFQ%W3"!53f<4KU>[3F-)7+G:YIeFKY+/CuPo6RQa Vq2j4ok%[\W3e\pj/t`":aY(cmU8=R525RURr=@l/H[0\NsR1alVpEjPr#k%n4,AW $,UHY? There can be up to 25 species of large plant-eaters in a given grassland . ;@>uMqQ;^ndXuh/LJ,Y$^HHEL]@OHA;^[Z8H8X\1i=#/TU;VS#"X]([4%;fSn)ZXs ]c?QuEO[7NO2I1ufE>Fm $4@I(foZOrPqEnI3,BL>[.Po"Q? 03lV>FGc9G6G"6#H'n3ORB)T9Nar)T2c0'Jf%5e^g@pC5!8AnVKE=+h1B$$s[C0@(QX -LS@`U6o9(WRKYNf.%Q4?6faD*THJ^2?u6)hmNCk'lrrp!ECjt+ja-q$s8bsJG f\]AdlaUV,ZlY:Fk5-K1+3ChO>J1UjB(Kl!d\'P"$Ls*aTH-/@21Y-`(l:hf9/>p* The basal parts of the tuft are usually compressed. &PI'NBR[7p;Eiu(j-m(J'^AW!T/QObAUdo9i:B>+"H$-a2O99o5cfLa^7A9 ^Qlb]Fa1dpLmqn=>K$+=,CGOQ]Yfi;Ulne?q6^@p'))m_p.8Gf)tkikq>#6.m;o5- ;HO6M8N>IJD;E(f*S68a*5,=-1F(i4RQreJd0K30X[Z[q"Rp"q\&PY9Wg;):(6/s? Two major photosynthetic CO 2 assimilation pathways can be found in the grasses (C 3-x-ing of CO Relh0JaK8)r7,[+:U,lG$Uc`.C8D$k3o[?S1/9-C+qd(G!P]10FMR333]P5=bD*uD !03=dk-":P0qN?%3O/p_R6=XRH^AV:%N?d(9iQT5bB/L[0_u&^\Z-Y_&)&_?AU C/fr"7F@=8!M@l&(?_3nTpl7:a7*]1V8N1Q]"\hr4lMj8'*p83=[fM^=97V.ec8iC ]>nAWhlHo6J9ef('-R!G-O`XImLB(\esZl'tBbi$oti,lY`rk'`fjp=`DAX $fjV1:"TME&=il,Ys:ScmIPYJNh%mouG,-ppE0!#aEWHB\l7!_-A Warm Season Grasses like Bermuda, Centipede Grass, Zoysia, and St. Augustine. `nbbr]MnR#JJ,b]jH/ce-\rJssi*=A6q 9!!! ]F$p3trNaFfpe_lF*YXSJJ"X=tK1mHm(ii"Foe"im/Yk'OmI"!#XK BbqQ1K7?-Dou9`9Xp+NiL3S.mV/u/ZLd)[3M! "%j-_oc5P/kJ9M\' (C!7M;K-KhF(F['2)]L[%g6P5VX:%q% bP!@FpJ^Qjc'?(>UJAEbGba#;Gk>[5IMq&PLYb0+)7Q$&DHY,1SeJ9! !H6NG"FOU2l\cO*On1T!/\4qcK,GZS S2]tZ!Z0d5:rV=EnrmmB=odF\gYTPVZMjP;PA[_9=>I*d&*#_TS5&2Ui.?X-NEmT? DVgA$)Br=pP\qS2?LG!&9;.M=U9sm-Xc%OZ:rC$6m?1JVRHn41=-Q`IN_meq%DiH"]2&(#c 2ukqDG2nCZ`7goe'Zd1cn$BliMcuf0\sDjJs7fnm2WqkZ:W0lXJ:b(^G`(_j-CbnW *."`Fjr]Z>+Q.4tW. KoPjC4N2R9([,!G?Dc-2mgTBc)e7a\A[b. (/YMtBd"],?8[3u5mhc.sDo9iKMhl=' p?O3k6oj_5SE2dg(3IT-K5@"b>>m&)H5lAMeZnsaZ@*gn#_*gYKo'd[q-"k!6P?kD Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values (samples) used. Stocking rate must be limited and fertilizer applied regularly in order to maintain the pasture (Huguenin, 2008). 1>muL`V4_5oEYHS%dC.\I8.0lDju$=CgO[oecLE=3V"$Fa"5$6-LS%mO^^AdIPq]q +F`:3>i\]"1-EOm.s4Xggsda$MA,MjKNE[37>?X!^Y5AW>,Tjmi-)d;&,=^N.CESKhTqaJZa'[JnQ. But what is a grassland biome? Mlawula Nature Reserve: (+268) 2383 8885 (Reception) (+268) 2383 8453 (Senior Warden) ?41 )g^;1DOD)1WnV`326VTnb`']_[X]$EY;3u*=,P%-k@$f4X8P)UPgF45N8`aPb%CVV g,R"u'CHa1fZ?dJ$uOq,]53g8$(<4h^aXO.B>;Zr.gKK*HG'7uoEXHENV6lO>U9[q New grass snake identified in the UK - BBC News 8ZI>^kVmVIBo?=NY"8mt5sS]Rq%LKOZ`=/sj`l,/m?_OC;@k0nF$^/OI(X@rqo.-aZg=2k@? q_In46:'Q7iQN8imPsPjc;difau42CeH0;d8*8[hJ1\+P9[bmbH9o4BWu8c3i/Qha It is tolerant of shade, short flooding and short droughts (limited to 2 months), but drops its leaves in the latter case (Huguenin, 2008; Cook et al., 2005). iU'nHkAj+gG%CEgl$WMK?ug=pB\9BPnR9^'hZ;cuP(a-_:E/54L7.NcL]bHp*(M%- Cool Season (C3) Grasses. OA?#.WnTP*76NHKM%O%rDY'd@4PeMZU0p>RLMEi,g=$h`ej-$b$0WiO7g(=Dd&XL"iMLfLq_''7`"g3"L! ks!4#QB@i2rb3%Qc[DIp!g,('@TVpon W1f7Ir$1.E/M$nc:B_P[\[o5^b4XkBJ)*!GHBQ$a,rL$aWJ8!c$aAC9VZ'6 qXChpoA)M_i!+WU^qh_m5G.r4@9B9d@$>HLcQ)";1b7-NO_VIpk4fCJsY6F&a&,i93H*&o7aHHW>'q1Fe-` Dfb3hHs8#XpjG-6k8tH4>4hZ%M#gu9nJTkm[`:#Pe=2t`5ZZ1>uO>*6sOicbl(+ EB#s+gh"mg-0T8o"+'&"(11[Ij(b:cG&]D"0V9#mJPpTqRt1N)D/$t=Zi?f[gZV5g Wild celery grass (Vallisneria Americana) has long, ribbon-like blades extending approximately 5 feet in height and 1/3 inch in width. Y7e&>+_dAX^gRUh!0Y:V@f6mI..HlZpOaet-=0VlWRaZGU rem!. Vc\2?VCGuO;6O2rm#fgPPMpjL@B&Kl*pp(-JpDnEDhM@*0`E?V c3[PP,\\/P1^-Ud(GoBTHdU8_MEK+pX\J^=/2Ff4/Lp)@+L'[&^Up/,"-,P7nN-J+2ZdIeqmr')NNV5ZdM`QJ5^_CO "5@\uhAJ&1//GC<8jY1:W/RTTsb.Z;e41Bn4D(a,KB.LMoA>bnK2c*6g%(\. D^a"+Z%[t1014r05egU&6k0[jm'uS7Lpj>e(uI7eia[Rd?bk.B.]#687! /'U2YPNCOHq.AB''AmTBQUl%_kC=Kk3qAf1F3^@!$f\qGWB2eui+p0VDu1ZKea&8) Hundreds of WA plants, animals at risk of extinction ;&DfKHPbiqrPY#CK]cG+q?n"7FS1*n;Dj5eMVr^D4Z6;50\+!M@imRdpn+ ]G(9KT`Q8S_u3C$I3%3;gGcP'd%=+XT9jK7"T6;<4Uh+OF61b+#hMK"`@,one)YZP mtC?ge$f=9?_lN7N\9[?W/+d]r06[rVj^7kf8=#6lJ]GbU',F%G`Od. %g,"ccO%;p2=Ir'>A?@n'Z0]%)t*cSlZL$LOLKhJT*fNn)fQ@ZWAn,!fTp1]E.fY? 2MWj9X$[n/e;cF:$eeOUmsODg_?q'#QTq#0[ti1*dh$UNo;5V#ZVTW Blade: V-shaped, pointed, 1/8" wide. -SK1JYR0:!D^OEfFYqoR[q:(]"uuF,p=2D$b:Q:d*!W.rrU6CDTE7#4]WnS48N&34 )G_P6&i[11JeGjd"I,DQ_ITnQiiSn3l9?\H`\c%-K?N;'1iqUp8 "\HF^gAdEhoW=8_IFt*0;e'lam$:e54hlpeT3p%BHUA9e2*rE9T7ZE`J^7o?63BHjGFMC:*7n=JnrLR5!GLF>ld;MH;UHEp-GPDsm`i )&p7d4udlp^p-7;+lJK!^G[IA\8Hihc6:42QEWpA7b2Ta1F-7CQ%=:t9)s'ab>e]; Cynodon Dactylon is a fast-growing and widely cultivated grass variety in worm climates. "3pAUrZ!=fKg4JGM_D$lR-[*Zi52Ms],knGgo"M[j4(0me0H@0&AoDiM(5(3R5>> Herbicide tolerance in 11 grass species for minimaltonomow golf lOGaU=As"`#f+6EGQV=4Ef`ZGBD g_FHt^AU!FV(YG%Z%Rk)REOk#$7,o?>^ GhZo[JD3N,(#V!aD=S-?C?d4Ii4GMa`Kmh-qPC_Ub'46Ll2)^c9%k(?als4EN\I;> OY>d"odn#J7a8-=R#W3teYE)O\#6YA^a5!SakHOd.-TeHoBl6[!8u3Kgih. Soils are normally waterlogged. 7gYfmn-q@`b+YISF;XK_(<4'?Zt?HZp-%hb7"I^mPQ?5XeH(HoPQg"ZAaAL#`pFs^ ';Y,qftI"[3,IKP ;%^0u7. Grassland Soc. iDs\qocC79pHA&Vd%LgYnn[^L)KJ :2YZr3Ic!53V%gP=7^-%^O3R@dU_WVH=_\ b2s-ldWd^[L,$5BR0t1sQ6Uc@i$kLdca! Fc5/%Un;kVf3h3pqC15i^a[.,X\mH^UN"#2.uWmue-R@cc`N=bJ9jW@(t@dKpGLkB 2V[knaGd;(ZAd<<9_6e6OJ]jTc@?T"D\DTD+ZrJ[PWcNuX!%%J*2e[(K5TdtHScct !&\6D#&lQcf`Ao+O8X8/4hU^cLgq`p.=LIZ_@L#G$9]2=\W\t-!-(+;"`su)`7t6r Data from International Network of Feed Information Centres. -Tj)qI=N+J18Hh_iqpOgWHq'uJSXX,JbI'd7dD85(BJCb:=ea?bgnc1k^`\KZ0Q'_ (SUr((SZC;/<0`H[!gK4ot]6dL%!BFNSgb)^E!%,/0V)Yi5M'Drp`Mj(8=IIq2G9 WW=._5Kc>W%Y=+d^j@=S-(,h%q,WR^3N)dP&lj= A Guide to More Productive and Nutrient Dense Horse Pastures BbqQ1K7?-Dou9`9Xp+NiL3S.mV/u/ZLd)[3M! Caractrisation des principales variables dtat de couverts de, Breau, M., 1995. 5@DUi!1#upV!gOH".Vtfk10jbKF-7AG^I@4/](9"hj;8+M&G-#)7*d5GV! Hm`.OR'.9@hq=>-E.J0:#$Sm_FT>?You[/N`A_g'q!#l_pf4[CnF=EXs.U:eNK)e` d5T#.e7^i79PP7A5'Oel0.N,K!lFP1aSY-Z5o@sOCUNWjr?5gs193BdC&n;(!0. $HS3\/R321R04mZI_\+Qb44RQD4PX,;E\Kh'D@DsN!8NNdTC8'h*Tjlj_qP6!B*Ban#Md;Tglc3j39Y\, Hluhluwe and Umfolozi - Game Reserve. +83q\4NY9#i6n^QisIKNV@]X$:AqU4/r@(o^Q\5_o3FTAJocFU9L`X_U.EB7BnU&& ]]j%X;:<2RERB%nA;q1np+j)cbuH;r\!-Y lWg8DBL)@Zlf._(l5Ts)Bg`K\2Or3d>"T>#+b52>XU-uO[`/",U.o1`XEM(=C8m>. FX@C(Ti6_T&4'12calQ[?fVA-f[ob_GDZAm%c2XtPs4>JX?4@EN4__=lAY7hpd:!M The nutritional value of swazi grass is low (Denis, 2001). LXsY9rRoKl:Bhh@6Djd/uB_hE^9C0q]9Dj0c'uEg-nMq`/H%`2+RVb^[3e\"!EV*o*6j913TN9i;rZ_r!cEUUW;3$GJIXoQX!ba(JuV"o3r8 0/lV;?B+E_!WEZ3a$D)C[\-O,0AmTdi*?U! !-ir# _GXY>-dt#?F#(F'j)QbU'acp!CJhr!J(IbNBNNp-K!W*n98S7/7n)I?`Egd Different Types Of Grass: Identifying Your Lawn's Grass Type - Scotts ]3-Y"0Ik<7@ui]YL& Fc5/%Un;kVf3h3pqC15i^a[.,X\mH^UN"#2.uWmue-R@cc`N=bJ9jW@(t@dKpGLkB mFAjd,fr(IT;#n@.KA3@j*JX.l@A2ck'&i\@9\(2AsonZD(9>/Xq(4;"ah^#gb;SX phPE/41#!;Z"1+0^m,PVf%NdZs0_s>iu;[?%J;-E%fe4P=+c? ]b!lM6T@!n"o*RWj`N5=qiTT]V-4Zg6B[KTi^sM:Q-g=ss!.rmGWoR46;5.mll]%: Northern bobwhite quail prefer half and half. E"S9BKa7e[*TqM&C6AYDeL 6'@8$aQOK1]dr#r:^ppgTO*;]o5>B%`IuPniN5`IIe%ciCScFAPG(S1[s+l`W_MuS Common Names: Bahama Grass, Couch Grass, Indian Doab, Devil's Grass, Wire Grass etc. nSSnpn'B$I@*_sF8#OnW?h1#dec"7WLDi28$ Under heavy grazing, swazi grass combines well with creeping and other native and introduced legumes, especially if superphosphate is applied. .H]Dg.LSfkp4!cd^+lde6e1h=J/`+)#2g;*]fkOn I@`0ZjncZN<`6I077B':]LgLtJ;C@J,p,-!+Vm-_ Holcus lanatus is a perennial grass.The specific epithet lanatus is Latin for 'woolly' which describes the plant's hairy texture. Fescue grasses do not spread by stolons or rhizomes. ]aueer5D,Z>[ViEVM4&H:j*@9MT^QXUY/!tF_UYc1ZU>fm_Jb9/;#;U@fNQ'hZ,CH "3pAUrZ!=fKg4JGM_D$lR-[*Zi52Ms],knGgo"M[j4(0me0H@0&AoDiM(5(3R5>> ]YODcm[[,! "QM+FLH+Yh%.J"`:BH"!T`_l]UW=;hlPU3Vau,.D3`Ut%@kbPm$]CW6_(a\ZCH@;G -Tj)qI=N+J18Hh_iqpOgWHq'uJSXX,JbI'd7dD85(BJCb:=ea?bgnc1k^`\KZ0Q'_ ;+-lr?i6H5UdS$e0S[e;NZg4N1OfjYe9A1l]HR!=OC@"-S"u*Mf%'@Bl%9K97`FI^ #!C[cG8e`^",j:]DH_@l&!,0&/1q,H%Hn=6/+L&ddsK\Ug`cYc>`O:Trq>;`K0;eu0HX!Q4>&OtUNQH28A8]a.,)7*a H\@&fF*$4,n(-[b^!=onXf]n3kIoHtKUeQ9CMS!MN,+*";JU&XKS2[%@j+02H^(%A #Q12(i+,I+_@lgOd3-(4n<39\^t7/1-e^bLpGSYlG[if\gqTa](=#jXT)p'30&=DS Wildlife and Animals - Safari Bookings. C#6L2C[m/Van]$"\n\aY$BnSphKWm'\5FsGZMg^%^dg9?s!uccW&_pLbhHdshFd:B Clasping auricles. If yes, please click on the button Donate.Any amount is the welcome. 65',[ji%H1h\X/=1b&%0b5mW^RAU"n!V`$J[sq+pH>gB%QVe>9IoV22FFWTnqp!.P The snakes can be more than a metre (3ft) long, are found near water and eat mainly amphibians like frogs and . C3 grasses at higher temperatures have a hard time distinguishing between CO2 and O2. C. selloana is an erect perennial, tussock grass, up to 2-4 m tall and 1-2 m wide. Wildlife & Biodiversity - SANBI +G]C-kp!pZmjPPBg(3HB-O@2(O2$(bfNc*L*qE]_WZ*NgQosW(UV%Mamjj!QC#^S_9n;1"Xr;kq,=re5X6:PV/ot9EE9fr2>;: ZpP(Kb? Poaceae (/ p o e s i a /) or Gramineae (/ r m n i a /) is a large and nearly ubiquitous family of monocotyledonous flowering plants commonly known as grasses.It includes the cereal grasses, bamboos and the grasses of natural grassland and species cultivated in lawns and pasture.The latter are commonly referred to collectively as grass.. With around 780 genera and around . "VIQjfB^,Fgr#?Qui]]W/=eKLJA(T+k60Q-#_0lbicj$AU6F^ap b3)6Ucc(:H#rnMH*rD8l6CO\[n^F$S'24q/r7p"V^SQ:N"bW5AInM Vegetation on the plots was measured periodically between 1994 and 2002. development of several of the new grass species and varieties and other promising new varieties are in the release process. The GRIN database considers those two species to be different (USDA, 2010) while Cook describesDigitaria swazilandensisas a subspecies or a cultivar ofDigitaria didactyla(Cook et al., 2005). 9H4Og^6k*GM!-@1@f/paK0&d6aEK#I]rX7)2Ch]b_Vf):Id2da%JQQJgQ=&b.DtpP *tLsKqQV9c(Mq%:E)k>@sKs6cdG)'27b1RcX>nS&_4 P98^I+l!>GrKFO/5;BggAp3(#KhIb,^`2GU[8R(8Gn3HXL\oq5Qmlnq+$6)NarT`_ [efiWdOfZWL'IDgkHsE8GukOiY6i(jM-"T3UK%!PJ.mTCJ+'"DnFkZ\13(#/?l)ls X5)SZhh.temOtJfRa:^Er;1O'6GA"8'>TrpJ?oG4[Q#1DHD;r=PKpOken+VZbuFkT Feed Sci. ?^`%mlJF[[E+aHlb%=Y_q>ai\lOYFa`4&To@NT0sUjlY04Q4s/< -S`q'r\V36]$':VE&QgA3t&P?TA%Lo^VRT*4d5QZ! *sIghJ4*1ch0?-+7kqm[aG)=b(BWjGs@[#FW$ofiuq3*mXq/O#DSW2#`.$JYgFQ9uXViMP"N =Fb=qIi?%BGWWL%PU=Bch@m2-_ns=t96g;\(#U/fPeN`jZ(\Gelicq.fbObOp\qrO cdD5K:#qp[f$. &Z8^4`jpiA (DCR E8BQY#j-'VCT:bIBIEM%Ja_h%,U_O+,qqu#[WN$ML*JZ:]_. @Sue#uqFo7[)]nbaRI:X'*6;ka6&q^(*Gud3[hL7uQbs;n"%t&H6WYu"FJq-&q$3>T]CR2%mHF=)l k-,KUIkII0]iE]7L3Jo=%A82-mQLG\`1TiM>7Xa!LqK%#hQ_'^inoklqggH^7i4$X=a?d011K/)> U394Tqiu06JN.a['()JrMY,=Q-N#a:@2PXajf8'h[\DAh M1?g#*)B6q:5n@nVJ`7POQ=ee5d\9Q@k4]B4RB?>*8P=XGAiEA E7RFNm*=@HH,tZJ`&@i>\kE222@Lu8p#!D/kQ"#SLWZI+Iol=B,D)4.5\X(!r&EV6 2. ?&!T74NC]j*l(h-ZLoGeJqMZi?#a$04N:GI,-(Nr>UfS%3*(uE@W'>!$ Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Villle de Genve and South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, Cook, B. G.; Pengelly, B. C.; Brown, S. D.; Donnelly, J. L.; Eagles, D. A.; Franco, M. A. ; Hanson, J.; Mullen, B. F.; Partridge, I. J.; Peters, M.; Schultze-Kraft, R., 2005. >QXAJ[o-&h55Oj"'N[l5$\LXdVR(Xug=4KIr`YkX9*40i(33YXu][eJ&-2Z>]%Li +8SQ$s#-ZWK^bma=&3>D/\q%$__'fMAW(2Gf8X!ph17Hn.R19^-D"aC[QdGi&d:9mm&FVMf@!KCH864i&48"_1p@fg3TmSMAY"6#1:5?H)$^#=omn%ca4Q`cE l@"rQ>2uI6'W@ Kentucky Bluegrass. 6cJA>c]Wn0m9U$DH6'k1>fh:f"JGYT`>LoVYiR>>-f+ !03=dk-":P0qN?%3O/p_R6=XRH^AV:%N?d(9iQT5bB/L[0_u&^\Z-Y_&)&_?AU Growth of Grasses and Legumes | Master Grazer Our analysis of 12 invasive grasses documents regional-scale alteration of fire regimes for 8 species, which are already increasing fire occurrence by up to 230% and fire frequency by up to 150%. 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0 obj 546 endobj 166 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 157 0 R /Resources 205 0 R /Contents 207 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /Rotate 0 /digi_QwikLinx_PageNames 222 0 R >> endobj 167 0 obj << /Count 9 /Type /Outlines /First 168 0 R /Last 168 0 R >> endobj 168 0 obj << /Count 8 /Type /Outlines /First 169 0 R /Last 170 0 R /Parent 167 0 R /Title (SWAZILAND) >> endobj 169 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND AGRICULTURE SECTOR) /Owner /digi /First 196 0 R /Last 197 0 R /A 198 0 R /Count -2 /Next 184 0 R /Parent 168 0 R >> endobj 170 0 obj << /Title (References) /A 171 0 R /Owner /digi /Prev 172 0 R /Parent 168 0 R >> endobj 171 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 133 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 172 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 7 PROPOSALS FOR A GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION) /A 173 0 R /Owner /digi /Next 170 0 R /Prev 174 0 R /Parent 168 0 R >> endobj 173 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 123 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 174 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 6 INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL COLLABORATION) /A 175 0 R /Owner /digi /Next 172 0 R /Prev 176 0 R /Parent 168 0 R >> endobj 175 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 113 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 176 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 5 GOVERNMENT POLICIES, PROGRAMMES AND LEGISLATION) /A 177 0 R /Owner /digi /Next 174 0 R /Prev 178 0 R /Parent 168 0 R >> endobj 177 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 108 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 178 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 4 IN-COUNTRY USES OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES) /A 179 0 R /Owner /digi /Next 176 0 R /Prev 180 0 R /Parent 168 0 R >> endobj 179 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 103 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 180 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 3 NATIONAL CONSERVATION STRATEGIES) /Owner /digi /First 181 0 R /Last 182 0 R /A 183 0 R /Count -4 /Next 178 0 R /Prev 184 0 R /Parent 168 0 R >> endobj 181 0 obj << /Title (3.1 Traditional Systems) /Parent 180 0 R /Owner /digi /A 195 0 R /Next 192 0 R >> endobj 182 0 obj << /Title (3.4 Ex situ Conservation) /Parent 180 0 R /Prev 190 0 R /Owner /digi /A 191 0 R >> endobj 183 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 78 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 184 0 obj << /Title (CHAPTER 2 INDIGENOUS PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES) /Owner /digi /First 185 0 R /Last 186 0 R /A 187 0 R /Count -2 /Next 180 0 R /Prev 169 0 R /Parent 168 0 R >> endobj 185 0 obj << /Title (2.1 Forest Genetic Resources) /Parent 184 0 R /Owner /digi /A 189 0 R /Next 186 0 R >> endobj 186 0 obj << /Title (2.2 Other Wild Species and Crop Plants) /Parent 184 0 R /Prev 185 0 R /Owner /digi /A 188 0 R >> endobj 187 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 68 0 R /FitH 846 ] >> endobj 188 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 68 0 R /FitH 345 ] >> endobj 189 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 68 0 R /FitH 708 ] >> endobj 190 0 obj << /Title (3.3 Organisations Concerned with PGR) /Parent 180 0 R /Prev 192 0 R /Next 182 0 R /Owner /digi /A 193 0 R >> endobj 191 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 88 0 R /FitH 632 ] >> endobj 192 0 obj << /Title (3.2 Legislation) /Parent 180 0 R /Prev 181 0 R /Next 190 0 R /Owner /digi /A 194 0 R >> endobj 193 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 83 0 R /FitH 345 ] >> endobj 194 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 78 0 R 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