Most studies investigating retention of college students have broadly looked at the entire student population. Student Involvement. Richmond,VA: Virginia Commonwealth University. Recruitment. give attention to the influence of peers on determining student retention and departure (Berger & Lyon, 2005). These have resulted in more diverse student bodies which are comprised of first generation students, racial minorities, women, and students from low socio-economic strata. 6). Adolescence, 27, 283–293. Journal of Student Success and Retention Vol. Retention is not particularly a formal process; instead, it focuses on maintaining a welcome environment, member morale, and organizational progress. Using the theoretical framework of student involvement and persistence, this predictive, correlational study used archival data to determine if any of the National Survey of Student Engagement’s (NSSE) engagement indicators predicted the retention of minority students in a faith-based institution. Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Strayhorn (2012) explained how important belonging is to all human beings. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Brilliant female students may underperform in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to fit in with other girls. First, student involvement and attention. We were once a world leader in the proportion of our population between the ages of twenty-four and thirty-five holding a college certificate or bachelor’s degree, but this is no longer the case. This is the case because the classroom is, for many students, the one place, perhaps only place, where they meet each other and the faculty. Student Engagement and Retention Student engagement is the construct that facilities the relationship between student learning outcomes and the degree of their involvement with their academic peers, teachers, and broader communities [8]. The dilemma becomes to what extent Sense of belonging as a predictor of intentions to persist among African-American and White first-year college students. This requires institutions to understand how experiences on campus shape student motivation to persist and institutional understanding to enhance such student motivation. Research has shown that student experiences on campus (social and academic adjustment) were related to a student’s decision to persist at the university (Woosley, 2003). Strayhorn argued that sense of belonging is a basic human need and, is also a basic need for college students. Student organization as venues for Black identity expression and development among African-American male student leaders. America is losing its competitive advantage of having the most-educated workforce in the world. To address low student retention rates, universities must gather data on program effectiveness, student achievement, and resource allocation. The U.S. is falling behind in educational attainment and achievement at a time when education is critical for upward mobility (Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2011; O’Keeffe, 2013). What is meant by student success? 1). Success in Australian higher education is measured in the form of graduation rates, progress to postgraduate study and employment outcomes. Engagement is associated with the degree to which students were committed to staying at a particular school (Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005). During this period, the majority of the students are separated from their parents and are coping with their new lives as young adults, making decisions for themselves. in S. J. Quaye & Harper, S. R. He argued that for several years student retention was viewed from an institutional perspective with an emphasis on actions that institutions can take to retain their students. human behavior. In the past decade, there were policy initiatives from the U.S. government and the state government to increase degree and certificate completion and job placement, with special attention to the fast-growing first-generation, under-represented, and economically-disadvantaged populations. Tinto, V. (2016). New York, NY: Routledge. Astin, A.W. According to the World Top 20 Project (2018), in 2017, U.S. ranked 16th out of 209 countries around the world. Access to financial aid is making education more affordable for under-privileged students. Sense of belonging is a basic human need and motivation which needs to be met on a continual basis. Retention includes those activities that provide students with an opportunity to become involved in the intellectual, social, cultural, and athletic life of the campus. Sense of belonging is a fundamental motive, sufficient to drive Student success in college: Creating conditions that matter. Sense of belonging must be satisfied on a continual basis and changes as circumstances, conditions, and contexts change. Thank you for your attention! 2). Investigating Barriers for Adult Students Toward Student Persistence and Faculty Involvement in Retention: A Multicase Study. Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005, p. 602 . Sense of community: A definition and theory. “About NSSE.” Retrieved August 30, 2018 from, Obama, B. Setting reasonable and ambitious goals to move students toward degree completion is one of the criteria for accreditation by most regional accreditors. In other words, the meaning of student engagement is the student involvement activities that are linked with high-quality learning. Collier and Morgan (2008) argued that first-generation college students need to be included in the at-risk student populations. The issue of student retention and persistence has continued to grow in importance throughout the history of higher education in our country. State governments collect longitudinal data and student-unit records to inform policy decisions on their completion agenda. & Associates (2005). In Australian higher education, retention refers to the numbers of students who enrol and continue an undergraduate programme of study within a single institution. The study of first-generation students has been an emerging topic of research over the past few decades. Factors such as academic unpreparedness (as a pre-enrolment factor) and adjustment at university (as a post-enrolment factor) are discussed as valid reasons to implement support structures in Higher Education (HE) in order to enhance success rates. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email, Student involvement and retention in higher education: the case for academic peer mentoring programmes for first-years, /doi/pdf/10.1080/16823200902945077?needAccess=true. Higher Education, 55(4), 425–446. Retrieved August 23, 2018, from Several national studies (Swail; American Institutes for Research; Lake) purport approximately 60% of all college students attending four-year institutions persist until graduation within 6 years.Thus, there is a 40% attrition rate nationally. Studies similar to this have been preformed - NSSE, etc MSU could benefit by taking a closer look at the involvement opportunities here on campus and determining what could be improved upon to increase retention rates Overview - Discussing As a college student in a new environment, establishing a healthy independent sense of self is dependent on a student’s sense of belonging, which leads to student retention. (Strayhorn, 2012, p. 3). Mattering: Inferred significance and mental health among adolescents. New York: von Nostrand Reinhold. Students, however, do not seek to be retained. Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T. (2005). Sense of belonging is so important that it is literally a matter of life and death for some students. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Lee, D., Olson, E., Locke, B., & Michelson, S. (2009). The U.S. is falling behind in educational attainment and achievement at a time when education is critical for upward mobility (Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2011; O’Keeffe, 2013). Retention is not particularly a formal process; instead, it focuses on maintaining a welcome environment, member morale, and organizational progress. Strayhorn (2008) Fittin’ in: Do diverse interactions with peers affect sense of belonging for Black men at predominantly White institutions? Strayhorn (2012) in his review of the literature identified seven core elements of sense of belonging which are summarized below: Sense of belonging is a basic human need. They seek to persist. Lutheran Education Journal |. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Few attempts have been made to determine if there are specific issues related to the retention of student–athletes. In general, the term “first generation” is used to describe college students for which neither parent has completed a four-year higher-education degree. First-year undergraduate student retention (i.e., retaining students in the same institution from first to second year) is a widely used national indicator in the university sector. Yamauchi, Taira & Trevorrow’s review of over ten years of research indicated that “academic and social engagement had indirect effects on student persistence through institutional commitment…” (Yamauchi, Taira & Trevorrow, 2016, p. 460). Hausmann, L. R. M., Schofield, J. W., & Woods, R. L. (2007). Yamauchi, Tara & Trevorrow (2016) observed that engagement is related to important student outcomes such as persistence, retention, and grades. The findings indicate that there are at least three identifiable issues that can be addressed, namely enjoying support from significant others, feelings of being academically unprepared and feelings of isolation. The 6-year graduation rate was 63 percent for females and 57 percent for males; it was higher for females than for males at both public (62 vs. 56 percent) and private nonprofit (68 vs. 63 percent) institutions. First-year undergraduate student retention (i.e., retaining students in the same institution from first to second year) is a widely used national indicator in the university sector. Heisserer, D., & Parette, P. (2002), Advising at-risk students in college and university settings. National Center for Education Statistics (2018). Student Engagement and Retention Blueprint 2017-2020 Summary - University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia A modified model of college student persistence: Exploring the relationship between Astin’s theory of involvement and Tinto’s theory of student departure. Does Student Involvement Increases Retention and Graduation Rates (MICRO PAPER) Introduction . Reframing academic advising for student success: From advisor to cultural navigator. We also reviewed best practices in the literature and participated in webinars in student success and retention. Once this data has been collected, it can enhance student retention efforts intelligently year after year. Why retention is important. Recruitment is the initial processes or strategies an organization uses to get students to agree to join the organization. 4). Carini, R. M. (2012). Clark, C. M. (1992). It’s a cognitive evaluation that typically leads to an affective response or behavior. Undergraduate retention and graduation rates. Also, there are plenty of studies that examine student engagement. High student-attrition rates do have negative financial implications for higher-education institutions that are tuition dependent. There are effective strategies that institutions can use to enhance student motivation. To meet the need to belong, an individual must feel respected, valued, appreciated and that someone cares about them, that he or she matters. In his remarks on education reform, former President Barack Obama, argued that “America cannot lead in the 21st century unless we have the best educated, most competitive workforce in the world” (Obama, 2009, “Remarks on education reform,” para. National Survey of Student Engagement, (NSSE), (2018). In their need to belong, students may dis-associate “…with adults and achieving peers in schools, and consequently satisfy their need to belong by affiliating with those who promised them security, community and support in exchange for their commitment to anti-academic values” (Strayhorn, 2012, p. 19). While there is a relationship between these two perspectives, they are not the same. Retention is the process of ensuring that your members or volunteers remain active with your organization. Federal and state governments and regional accrediting bodies are now holding higher-education institutions accountable for degree completion to increase America’s competitive advantage. For example, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Criterion 4.C. Not being able to fully engage with the institution presents a barrier to student retention and overall success. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. Highly selective institutions tend to have higher graduation rates. give attention to the influence of peers on determining student retention and departure (Berger & Lyon, 2005). Walton, G. M., & Cohen, G. L. (2007). Retention is the process of ensuring that your members or volunteers remain active with your organization. Psychology in the Schools, 30, 79–90. Astin’s model of student involvement describes how students develop during the college experience. Any disruption to one’s sense of belonging may have negative consequences and individuals may need to reengage in meaningful relationships or activities that foster a positive sense of belonging to feel connected to the community once again. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. in Student Engagement and Retention . Heisserer and Parette (2002) identified ethnic-minority students, academically-disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, students from low socio-economic strata, and probationary students as being at risk of non-completion of their degrees. Engagement, Retention and Student Success; Theory; Engaging Students. A sense of belonging is defined as the “psychological sense that one is a valued member of the college community” (Hausmann, Schofield, & Woods, 2007, p. 804). Moore, Lovell, McGann, and Wyrick (1998)* found that personal development is best achieved when students are involved outside of the classroom , particularly when they engage in a diverse set of projects, experiences, and activities. The retention rate of students is a priority in many institutions and is one of the most widely studied areas in higher education (Tinto, 2006). Enrollment tends to vary by the type of institution and by the institutions’ admission policies and selectivity. Current Issues in Higher Education, 2, 10–16. Yet, there are only a few that look at the relationship between students' responses on the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and 5, No. Sense of belonging is also a sense of fitting in; being part of a group, a community, membership in an organization with acceptance from other members of the group. Measuring the quality of student effort. 28(3), 460–470. Continuing to grow the membership of a student organization is critical to long-term success of the organization. While there are number of avenues in which to market and recruit members on-campus, it is important to remember that first and foremost, successful recruiting comes down to building relationships. In the literature, sense of belonging is often associated with “sense of community.” McMillan and Chavis (1986) define belonging as “a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members’ needs will be met through their commitment to be together” (p. 9). First-generation students face a wide variety of obstacles when it comes to being accepted into an institution of higher education.,, Tinto, V. (2016). As Strayhorn (2015) indicated, “Access without success is useless, but access with success is everything” (p. 58). Zirkel, S. (2004). Tinto (2012) observed that the largest proportion of institutional leaving occurs in the first year and prior to the beginning of the second year. Walton G. M., & Cohen, G. L. (2011). : Differences in first generation and traditional college students’ understandings of faculty expectations. For years, our prevailing view of student retention has been shaped by theories that view student retention through the lens of institutional action and ask what institutions can do to retain their students. Institutions use the data to improve undergraduate education. This report explores student involvement, sense of belonging, student satisfaction and plans to persist at the Ohio State University. Journal of Community Psychology, 14, 6–23. Many countries are catching up and America is now lagging behind other countries in educational attainment. Student involvement refers to the amount of physical and psychological energy that the student devotes to the academic experience (Astin, 1999). Fourth, involvement is a condition for student retention. Sense of belonging takes on heightened importance in certain contexts, at certain times, and among certain populations. Deviant adolescent subcultures: Assessment strategies and clinical interventions. Astin defines involvement as “the amount of physical and psychological energy that the student devotes to the academic experience.” In order for student learning and growth to occur, students must actively engage in their environment and educators must create opportunities for in- … The more students are academically and socially There are differences in graduation rates based on institution classification: public, private-nonprofit, and private-for-profit institutions. Furthermore, the findings support key elements of higher-education retention theories, specifically that student interaction, engagement, and involvement prove instrumental in keeping students enrolled. What will you think of me? All of us yearn to belong, which is the motive behind our actions, and the reason that we act in certain ways. All people have an innate desire for self-actualization which is a desire to fulfill one’s individual potential. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA. ), The American college (253–282). The Ideology behind Student Engagement and Student Retention October 29, 2019 Student Retention has always been a major concern for higher education institutions. Students cannot experience higher-order needs until the need for sense of belonging has been met. People stay in such relationships because “all people want to feel cared about, needed, valued, and somewhat indispensable as the object of someone else’s affection…” (p. 19). In his 2012 book, Completing College: Rethinking Institutional Action, Vincent Tinto highlighted that improving student retention is primarily a question of creating and supporting classroom (curricular) engagement. The two perspectives, though necessarily related, are not the same. abstract: Student retention in postsecondary institutions continues to be a vexing problem, as graduation rates have continued to decline over the last decade. Hausmann, L. R. M., Schofield, J. W., & Woods, R. L. (2007). College Student Journal, 37(2), 201–207. Other researchers have provided evidence that commitment to the university and involvement in campus activities (social and academic) are strongly related to retention (Astin, 1984, Beil, Reisen, Zea, & Caplan, 1999; Cadet, 2008; Milem & Berger, 1997, Mutter, 1992). Retrieved August 25, 2018 from Schlossberg (1985) defines mattering as “feeling that one matters, is valued or appreciated by others.” Rosenberg and McCullough (1981) identified five dimensions of mattering a) attention (noticed in positive ways, commands interest), b) importance (cared about, special, object of another’s concern) c) dependence (feeling needed, reciprocity, d) appreciated (feeling respected) e) ego extension (believing others share in one’s success). They observed that the intervention buffered African-American students’ sense of fit against academic adversity, “it raised African Americans grade-point average (GPA) relative to multiple control groups and halved the minority achievement gap…It prevented students from seeing adversity on campus as an indictment of their belonging” (Walton & Cohen, 2011, p. 1447). The notion that a happy student is a retained student is not farfetched (Lau, 2003). Recruitment. (2005) claimed that “what students do during college counts more for what they learn and whether they will persist in college than who they are or even where they go to college” (p. 8). Students who are ethnic minorities, academically disadvantaged, have disabilities, are from low socio-economic strata, and/or are first-generation college students are at risk for degree non-completion (Collier & Morgan, 2008; Heisserer & Parette, 2002). Historically, individuals from low socio-economic strata, marginalized groups, and racial minorities have not had equal access to higher education. Higher-education enrollment has been on the decline. Retrieved July 12, 2018, from Encyclopedia of the sciences of learning (1153–1156). Kuh, G. D., Kinzie, J., Schuh, J. H., Whitt, E. J. Students will devote time and energy to learn new materials that they have considered relevant and that meet their needs and interests (Tinto, 2016). It is not static, it changes as circumstances and conditions change. Toward a psychology of being. First the basic need for food and shelter have to be met before belonging, esteem and self-actualization, the highest level in the hierarchy of needs. Education and identity (2nd ed.). (1997). Fourth, involvement is a condition for student learning and retention. They seek to persist” (Tinto, 2016, para. Research on retention and involvement in student activities as well as service-learning projects seems to support my thoughts on the subject. Marginality and mattering: A life span approach. How college affects students: Findings and insights from twenty years of research. Research in Higher Education, 48(7), 803–839. It is critical that schools address the needs and interests of their students. High impact student retention initiatives are one of the ways that a student can overcome the difficulty of finding a sense of community on campus and create this sense of belonging. Some of the first-generation students may not be as successful as their counterparts because they do not have parents at home with college experience who can provide advice and support on how to navigate the terrains of higher education. (NCES, 2018, “Undergraduate retention and graduation rates,” para. In the current era of the higher education system, there are many organizations and individuals who have attempted to implement policies and strategies to increase retention rates, help students be successful, and help students graduate from their higher education institutions. Fourth, involvement is a condition for student retention. Bowen, W. G., Kurzweil, M. A., & Tobin, E. M. (2005). Research, most notably by Alexander Astin, Ernest Pascarella, and Patrick Terenzini, served to reinforce the importance of student contact or involvement to a range of student outcomes not the least of which was student retention … Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. According to the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine (2004), students tend to view the curriculum as relevant when they have emotional engagement. Schlossberg, N. K. (1985). Student involvement: A developmental theory for higher education. It leads to positive and prosocial outcomes such as engagement, achievement, wellbeing, happiness, and optimal functioning. Such improved access now means that more and more college students are ethnically diverse, first-generation students, and are from the lower socio-economic strata. Institutions are good at making education accessible, but that does not guarantee degree completion. learning programme is significant in student retention. This requires institutions to understand how experiences on campus shape student motivation to persist and institutional understanding to enhance such student motivation. New York: Harper & Row. The best-known engagement indicators as described in the “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education” include: student-faculty contact, cooperation among students, active learning, prompt feedback, time on task, high expectations, respect for diverse talents and ways of learning (Chickering & Gamson, 1987). Their interests are different. Sense of belonging engenders other positive outcomes. Carini (2012) identified the following dimensions of engagement: behavioral investment, cognitive investment, emotional investment, and social investment. “…About 60 percent of students who began seeking a bachelor’s degree at a 4-year institution in fall 2010 completed that degree within 6 years; the 6-year graduation rate was higher for females than for males (63 vs. 57 percent)” (National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2018, “Undergraduate retention and graduation rates,” para. Student enrollment remains a challenge in higher education, which also has implications for student retention. 1). Curriculum and Assessment Alignment Mapping, Perceptions of Chinese Scholars at Concordia University Chicago, Improving Student Retention, Engagement and Belonging, Reflections on Professional Coaching: Eight Mathematics Teaching Practices, Infusing Lutheran Identity into a Digital World, Quality and Accountability in Lutheran Schools: Employing the Danielson Model for Improvement. As NSSE (2018) articulated: Student engagement represents two critical features of collegiate quality. Goodenow, C. (1993b). Engaging students in purposeful learning activities will improve retention and lead to higher graduation rates. Student retention strategies aim precisely at building this kind of relationship, where students feel safe and well supported. O’keeffe, P. (2013). (2003). However, at private for-profit institutions, males had a higher 6-year graduation rate than females (28 vs. 23 percent). Students, however, do not seek to be retained. It is important to acknowledge that members can be active with your organization at a variety of levels. Sense of belonging, then, reflects the extent to which students feel connected, a part of, or stuck to a campus… for example, some scholars measure sense of belonging as how much others would miss you if you went away (Rosenberg & McCullough, 1981, as cited in Strayhorn, 2008, p. 505). It is imperative that institutions provide learning opportunities that are relevant, meaningful, and meet the needs and interests of the students. In N. Sanford (Ed. A better way to collect data is to use a student management system. Also, some of the minority students or students from low-socio-economic backgrounds may not be well prepared for college and may face academic challenges as a result. On the other hand, student retention is something the institution does in order to move the student closer to graduation. 1, pp. This exploratory study investigates the relationships between four student retention measures and student involvement in campus organizations. Cognitive engagement is described as the students paying attention and problem solving. It will be difficult for a student to depart from an institution after spending a considerable amount of time there (Astin, 1984). It is not static, it changes as circumstances and conditions change. The responsibility of the college or university is to ensure that students persist to earn that college degree. These scholars emphasized dual responsibility for student engagement, namely at the student level and at the institutional level. (2007). “Social identities (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, religion) …intersect and often simultaneously affect college students’ sense of belonging.” Individuals may have to negotiate multiple dimensions of these identities (Asian male who is gay; Black woman who is from a working-class family). Continuing to grow the membership of a student organization is critical to long-term success of the organization. However, this level of need can only be attained after lower-level needs for food and shelter, love and belonging have been met. Astin's theory of involvement and Tinto's inter-actionist theory of student departure provided the conceptual underpinnings for the study. There are various definitions of belonging. Scholars in the field have argued that the society as a whole has done a better job of opening up access to higher education but collectively, we have not paid enough attention to student success and retention. Furthermore, earning a 4-year college degree is a path to upward mobility, higher socio-economic strata, and access to prestigious positions within society (Bowen, Kurzweil, & Tobin, 2005; Tinto, 2012). (Eds. & Museus, S. D., (2015). When students from underserved populations are faced with these obstacles in the first year of college, they may have a negative perception of themselves. Pace, C. R. (1980). “Remarks on education reform.” April 24, 2009. Retrieved July 12, 2018, from, Abraham Maslow (1954), in his explanation of basic human needs, affirmed that people are generally motivated to fulfill basic physiological needs for food and shelter, as well as those of safety, love/belonging, and esteem. The first year of college is considered the most vulnerable period in a student’s academic career because students are making a transition from home to college for the first time. Research in Community Health, 2, 163–182. 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