What are you talking about Claire not getting on the plane? Please start answering some questions and I hate to say...bring on the May finale! During the reading, he told Claire he knew Thomas had left her, and when she asked him to continue, he revealed that it was crucial for Claire to raise her child herself, and that her goodness must be an influence on the child's development. The plan worked as Claire awoke the following morning with Charlie holding her hand, fully recovered from her illness, and therefore allowing Juliet to gain the trust of the Beach camp. They are all in purgatory! This show is about all forms of knowledge. Are all of our personal interactions fate or coinsidence? Kate hit him over the head so they could get inside. Kate walked in and asked her what the animal skull was. Where are all of these people coming up with Jacob is bad?? There is a end to this path that all of us have been on since the pilot so long ago.... And I promise the journey will have been worth the wait... if not... then ABC can suck it and so can everyone involved with the show! They get to the temple... First they want to kill them all... then all of a sudden it's vitally important that they stay in the temple. However, I think that the curveball is that Jacob is the infection in Sayid. The poison pill might just be fatal to the 'infection' not necessarily to the hosts (Sayed...et.al.). She says she cannot pay for a lawyer and seems to try to drop the conversation until she gives in after learning it would be free because of a 'favor'. I guess the creators of Lost have really got something here! Perhaps Clair hadn't exited the cab yet to catch a departing flight since Kate jumped in before she could get out??? I love Lost, but the insane amount of commercials makes me not want to watch it live & just wait a week and watch it online (times like this I realize the value of DVR!). I think the "Why is the Polar Bear on the island?" THE END. Jack says she will love her because she is "extremely pregnant.". Ethan did not come from the island to "get Claire" - He never even went TO the island! The writers of Lost are so unique with this storyline. The smoke monster represents some sort of divine judgment. The pilot in turn tells her that his mother once went to a psychic, who told her she would dump her husband for another man. Many people mistakenly believe that at the very start of Lost , … As Claire pushes, they each remember the birth of Aaron on the Island. I hate it that Locke was reborn into that monster guy, and I am hoping that Jacob, or the new others are able to rid Locke's body of this thing. If this STINKING SHOW ENDS LIKE THE SOPRANOS I WILL GO POSTAL!!!!!!!!!!! Reminds me of "The Departed." I guess we will all see in May. They really have a lot of free time to read and comment on something they haven't seen for 5 seasons ! After crashing on the Island, she formed a romantic relationship with fellow castaway Charlie Pace, and seemed to trust him. Question: since Jughead did its job (presumably) and the hatch was never built in the alternate timeline, does that mean that people other than the Losties never made it to the island? – Andy. What fun. That's because his brother's body was on the island. It's brother to brother and it's man to man I think it's absolutely hilarious that all these people are commenting about how they hate the show. Don't overthink. Why else did so many other passengers on the plane die Desmond told him he would " see you in another life, brohter". I commented last week that the same group of people were interacting in the no-crash scenario as in the island-crash scenario. Juliet explained that if Claire never had the implant, she would've died. Elsewhere" ended? B/c of Kate helping Claire and getting her to the prospective adoptive parent's place, who then rejected the baby due to the changed circumstances of their marriage (and Claire's subtle but noticeable relief that she was not going to have to give the baby up after all), and then Kate being the one to take Claire to the hospital when she began going into labor, it seems clear to me that Kate has accomplished her goal. Claire gave it to him and he smashed it, revealing it to be full of heroin. If you haven't seen this episode of "Lost" yet, DON'T READ ANY FURTHER.]. Her Sun sign is Scorpio; the. She gave birth successfully to a boy, but she remained worried in the days that followed that the Others would try to take him. Go somewhere else and complain about something you understand. This is only one dual timeline, I think there will be a never ending amount of timelines that are running along side each other. They are prisoners, but not by their choice. I just can't sign on to either of the two plots of thought that make sense: Are Jacob and MIB aliens from another planet, or is this some type of "Biblical" message? Maybe that's what they meant and it was a typo, since Claire definitely was on the plane. She later gave birth to her son, Aaron Littleton, and did her best to take care of him despite being a reluctant mother. All it does is make you look obnoxious. He was trying to revive her when she coughed up blood. Smokey is the devil. Her doubts at relinquishing her child surfaced at this ill omen and she ran out of the room. Claire mused that if she did get off the Island, Aaron wouldn't know who she was, since he still thought Kate was his real mother. That night, Claire and Kate, unable to sleep, were interrupted when Locke arrived. If he is then the ending will suck beyond belief. They released the seagull with the note attached and watched it rejoin its flock. Time travel makes any and all situations possible. The 'energy anomaly' is its power source (makes sense an intergalactic ship would have ability to wrap time and space) and the black smoke is a cloud of nanites meant to protect it. Ahh television, it fill our heads with such bull malarky!!! I love the frustration of the show and trying to figure out what is going on and what will happen next. To put it simply: If you think the characters in Lost were "dead the whole time," you are wrong. She questioned Hurley, when he seemed uncertain of Jack's whereabouts. That was shown in the season 5 finale. ("Lighthouse"), After being abducted by the Others at the Temple, Sawyer left and was followed by Kate and Jin, who were in turn accompanied by Aldo and Justin. He comforted Aaron, then tended to Claire. The escapees and Widmore's men engaged in a gun battle. It's an obvious thing to say, but here goes once again. When Hurley found Aaron he called Claire over and she took Aaron from Charlie. She answers without much hesitation that he was also her father, to which Jack begins to waver until he receives a call from the hospital, and says that they need to do this later. Temple in Jerusalem – the island temple? Though her pregnancy limited her movement and left her feeling a "time bomb of responsibility" Claire helped sort through the wreckage and later led a memorial service for those who'd died in the crash, ("Pilot, Part 1")  ("Pilot, Part 2")  ("Walkabout") ("White Rabbit"), She met Charlie the night of the crash, and three days later, he helped her move luggage from the crash site. Why exactly was Widmore banished from the island.. and how did Faraday's mom leave the island and can she go back? Of course. The girl knocked her out, and Claire awoke dazed in the jungle where Danielle Rousseau found her, knocked her out again and returned her to camp. Claire is also the main alive character with the longest time since having an individual centric episode, not having one since, Claire is one of three characters portrayed by principal cast in, She is the only such character to have been a regular for the entire season (Walt was credited as main cast only for his appearances, and Shannon was only a regular until ", Claire is one of the seven characters to appear in all six seasons and Missing Pieces along with, Her name is not mentioned on-screen until ", Claire was the first prominent survivor to meet, Claire was the second prominent survivor to visit the interior of. The smoke monster can take the form of peope who are dead on the island – like when he became Alex to tell Ben to follow Locke – a person he knew he was going to 'be', now that Locke's body is back on the island. Not sure what you gain by this except showing that you are possibly a very negative or narcissictic person. At or near the end of the season we will come to realize that the Alt-timeline is actually showing us what happens AFTER they all are finished with the island for good. This alternate reality sets the stage for this last season because ALL of the characters can die, because none of this ever happened. Do like the character development and the "plane didn't crash" storyline. Libby refused, but thanks to her flashback Claire now knew where to find medicine. they really need to step it up this season. Why does the island dump people in Tunsinia? What's this business about Claire never getting on the plane? Other than that these episodes have been complete snoozers. Later, during the Monster's attack on the Temple, Claire advised Kate that it would be safer down in the pit, thereby apparently saving Kate from being killed by the Monster. Here's what happened to the castaways from Oceanic Flight 815 since the show ended 10 years ago. Seems to me that the build up / initial intrigue is awesome and then between the intro and the climax, something goes horribly awry and you're left feeling like you just got cheated. All the bloody wild commandments You can do it little buddy. Returning in season 6, Claire had evidently suffered some sort of breakdown following her abduction and was still in a poor state when leaving the island. I think everyone is reading too much into the Fake Locke's line about Richard and chains. Beast – smoke monster? – Fate...keep repeating life until you get it right and fulfill your desitiny. Christian visited Claire many times when she was a baby, but stopped visiting because, according to him, her aunt Lindsey hated him, and Carole couldn't cope with him having another family in America. Danielle Rousseau is a fictional character on the ABC drama television series Lost, which chronicles the lives of over forty people after their plane crashes on a remote island somewhere in the South Pacific. I didn't read through all of the comments so I don't know if this one has been explained, but Aldo was referring to the time right after Kate and Sawyer escaped from the cages. The food drop was actually sent from Dharma HQ decades earlier, but was "delayed" because it came in on the wrong bearing (or trajectory". While preparing fish, Sun and Claire discussed their parents. Those are unrealistic, but were watched. I hope the lost reveal is better than Cloverfield turned out to be. I've never seen an episode. By now I figure that the thing moving through the trees when they first landed on the island was the smoke monster. Claire remained on Hydra Island while the Man in Black went to "finish what he started." Great stories and classic literature are full of Biblical references, but that doesn't mean they are Bible stories. ("Every Man for Himself"), During her regular swim, Claire got caught in an undertow and was beginning to drown. Richard spent months persuading her that Aaron cannot be raised by anot… She took it out of the water, and she and Shannon brought it to Sun, since her husband was on the raft. This is also shown in the next-to-last episode of Season 3, sealed with a kiss and the last time they see each other. This "claiming" appears to be connected to the MIB's loophole: my guess, Jacob and MIB can only be killed by someone they have claimed claimed. I thought this was obvious given the fact that, mid-flight, he took a seat next to Jack and asked him if the seat was taken. ("Do No Harm")  ("The Greater Good")  ("Born to Run"), Danielle Rousseau came to camp the next day, claiming to warn of an attack but really planning to kidnap the baby. .... Why. It'll be interesting to see if the writers make it all accessible to the average Joe at the end. In the flash-sideways, Claire was on the plane; we just didn't see her. The man in black says "They come, fight, they destroy, they corrupt. The name of the series is Lost, not the people in the series, I commend the writers, actors & actresses for doing an excellent job. She asked him what had happened, but he joked his way out of answering. Later, Kate left the OB Triage and found a doctor, Dr. Ethan Goodspeed, and asked him if he could come help Claire in the ER. I love this show! I'm hoping this means the long-awaited reunion of Sun and Jin will be happening soon. kate + claire = the place i want to go when i die... Did anyone see the resembalence of Dogan to the guy who was in charge of the project and is in all of the information films? Oh well, nevermind, can't wait to see what happens next week! She realized that Rousseau saved her, and they left the station together. And since the same thing happened to her father, Christian, she went with him. Think that if no pulse happened then the plane gets to L.A. just fine and the Oceanic customers go on with their lives like nothing happened. Richard seems to of course be ageless, ( he recruited Julia), but past episodes show him on the island during the occupation of the Dharma folks. Just a thought. I actually love this show but I had to laugh at your analogy. Be happy for that. he cannot kill jacob, so he has to manipulate one of jacob's own people to kill him instead (ben). First of all, the blogger was referring to the Claire on the island, not the present time Claire who made it to L.A. . I tried watching years ago and it was pathetic even then. I think the alternate timeline is what would have happened if there was no crash. It was Shannon (Boone's sister and Sayid's love interest) that was not on the plane, not Claire. Jack then sent to Juliet retrieved supplies and she supposedly nursed Claire back to health. All they have done is create new questions. Why Claire didn't time travel like the other survivors did. I think it should end with Captain Picard exiting the Holodeck – Locke was Picard all along! And what about the version of Claire who never got to the island? David later mentions Claire at the hospital and is a little surprised that Christian never mentioned her to Jack. Ethan, I thought, was one of the children evacuated form the island when the Others attacked. But what really happened to Sayid was interesting. If so, how do you think he will respond? A little Pet Cemetary action 'Lost style'. yet again we are still LOST. Don't you see that the alternate timeline is actually what happens when they really do leave the island after they have done whatever is they are going to do for the island? The couple was not at the airport, so Claire decided to take a taxi to their home instead. But something is there I just know it. As Charlie then said an emotional goodbye with Aaron, Claire looked on, clearly upset. After this she went home for a shower, and returned to the hospital to see her mother. At the end we are going to be like the real like right before he died, confused and sad. How crazy is that? She asked about Aaron and was amazed to find out Claire had delivered him on the Island. 25 I can understand the direction, except for Ethan's part. My take is the bomb never went off. There seems to be something off with Sayid, reinforced be the weird looks Miles keeps giving him. It was definitely an interesting episode, though I have stopped trying to figure anything out anymore. As Kate returned to the beach with Aaron, Sun asked where Claire was, but Kate didn't reply as she was in a desperate rush to catch Jack. Maybe Richard, the smoke monster and Jacob were all three brothers at one time? Tattoo artistCashier, Fish & Fry My daughter and wife ran into him in the Honolulu airport a year or two back and he was a most arrogant churl. Remember how when approaching or leaving the island, they always had to use a very specific bearing? If you don't watch LOST then why waste your time on here saying it is stupid? Kate wants her to start pushing but Claire is still not ready and is frightened. Seems to me no better than if they had crashed. You just expect someone you were all too ready to kill a few hours ago to take it on faith that he should just give Sayid some unknown pill, a doctor at that? After being abandoned by the survivors, and living alone for three years, Claire's personality and demeanor changed dramatically. I'm sure you watched Star Trek, Quantum Leap and cartoons. Frustrated, Claire demanded to know why Desmond and Charlie were against her idea. I think Sayid is now Jacob. .....they are just making more questions and no answers. In the flash-sideways, she gave birth to Aaron anew, and they moved on together with their friends. -We know Claire, Sayid and probably more are infected – meaning they have gone to the dark side. Then a pull out to a child playing with a snow globe. Charlie insisted the baby needed to be baptized because he was in danger. Claire then asked whether Kate was a candidate. I bet this is all a group hallucination and they all wake up just before they land, look at each other strangely, and walk out of the terminal. I hope I believe the psycic told her to get on the plane because he had forseen the crash and her survival which would lead to her raising Aaron. That sounds kind of stupid. An excited Claire told her friend Rachel, the news on the way to see Richard Malkin, who claimed to be a psychic. Too inconsistent. And Ethan was taken off in the sub that Kate, Sawyer, and Juliette were on after he was born. I'm on a roll here, what if.. 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