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May 3, 2009 -Rev. April 18, 2004--Rev. April 11, 2021 - The Consistory of Wingham PRC (Ontario, CA) announces a new trio from which to call a pastor: Revs. A.Brummel (Heritage PRC, Soux Falls, SD), G.Eriks (Hudsonville, MI PRC), C.Haak (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI). March 17, 2013 - Doon (IA) PRC's Council announces a trio from which to call a new pastor: Revs.G.Eriks (Hudsonville, MI), C.Haak (Georgetown, MI), and C.Spronk (Peace PRC, IL). July 2, 2017 - The congregation of Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB) voted on July 2 to extend a call toRev. Mike De Vries (Edmonton, AB, Canada) received the call to serve as second missionary to Ghana.November 24, 2002--Rev. Ref. M. DeBoer(Edgerton PRC)declinedthe call fromHosanna PRC(Edmonton, AB). August 26, 2008 -Providence Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, MI, called Candidate Heath Bleyenberg. Ronald Van Overloop (Georgetown Protestant Reformed Church, Hudsonville, MI) received the call from Grandville Prot. November 25, 2001 --Rev. Church in Hudsonville has called Rev. Church, Holland, MI. R. Kleyn(Covenant of Grace PRC, Spokane, WA) to serve as minister on loan in our sister church in Singapore. September 25, 2022 -TheCouncil of Doon PRCannounceda new trioof Rev. January 9, 2022 - The Council of Doon PRC announced a new trio: Revs. Peace PRC was instructed to proceed with his ordination, set for October 9. J. Engelsma (Doon IA PRC) declined the call from Grandville PRC (received July 11) to serve as minister on loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), J. Mahtani (Cornerstone PRC), C. Spronk (Faith PRC). November 27, 2016 - Rev. It will not be applied at limited entry rodeos or all the rodeos that PRCA has the policy at. March 3, 2019 - Rev. A. Brummel (Heritage PRC - Sioux Falls, SD),Rev. December 20, 2020 - Rev. Church.December 9, 2001-- Rev. J. Smidstra. December 14, 2011- Hope Protestant Reformed Church extended a call to Rev.Carl Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI. W. Bruinsma (Pittsburgh mission), Rev. Church) received the call to serve as missionary to the Philippines. K. Koole (Grandville), Rev. July 18, 2021 - Rev. October 21, 2007 -The congregation of South Holland, IL called Candidate Nathan Langerak to serve as pastor. A. Lanning (Faith), Rev. October 5, 2010 -Trinity Prot. Church (Jenison, MI). February 22, 2015 - After Rev.R.Kleyn's decline of her most recent call, the Council of Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) has formed a trio of Rev. A. Lanning (Faith). S. Key (Hull, IA), and Rev. Church, LaCombe, AB, CanadaOctober 26, 2003--Rev. Current Members. September 5, 2021 - The Council of Hudsonville PRC has formed a new trio of Rev. August 17, 2015 - The congregation ofDoon PRCvoted to extend a call to Rev.Carl Haak, pastor of Georgetown PRC, to serve as second missionary to the Philippines. K. Koole was installed as pastor of the Grandville Protestant Reformed Church.December 11, 2002--Rev. Joshua Engelsma announced that he was led by the Lord of the church to accept the call to Doon (IA) PRC. Ref. After completion of PRCA timers clinic, documentation will need to be sent to PRCA Member Records to process new timer membership. September 21, 2011- Hope Prot. J. Laning (Hope, Walker) to serve as pastor. C. Spronk. Username: * Password: * Remember me next time. G. Eriks (Hudsonville MI), C. Haak (Georgetown MI), and R. Kleyn (Spokane WA). July 22, 2009 -Trio for Calvary Prot. Ref. C. Haak (Georgetown). A. denHartog (Southwest), Rev. S. Regnerus(Lynden, WA). July 12, 2009 -Rev. March 16, 2010 -Hull, IA Protestant Reformed Church as a new trio: Rev. Ref. S. Regnerus received the call from Lynden (WA) PRC. C. Haak (Georgetown), Rev. A. denHartog's emeritation (SW PRC) takes effect (Ordained in Oct. 1974). January 6, 2013-The Council of Hope PRC (Walker) announced a new triofrom which to call a pastor: Revs.K.Koole (Grandville PRC), N.Langerak (Crete, IL), and D.Overway (Doon, IA). Garry Eriks (Hudsonville, MI) received the call to serve the Holland (MI) Protestant Reformed Church. Church, Hull, IA: Candidate Cory Griess, Rev. Rodney Kleyn was called to serve the congregation of Faith Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, MichiganJanuary 22, 2006- Candidate Dennis Lee received the call to serve the congregation in Edgerton, Minnesota.January 15, 2006- Rev. August 9, 2021 - Cand. February 11, 2018 - Rev. June 10, 2012-Rev.A.Lanning(Faith PRC)receivesthe call from Randolph (WI) PRC. April 26, 2015 - At its evening congregational meeting Peace PRC (Lansing, IL) voted to call Rev.N.Decker to "come over and help" them as their next pastor. July 22, 2002-- Rev. Dennis Lee announced his acceptance of the call from Bethel Prot. January 30, 2005 -Rev. Church's new trio: Rev. D. Noorman. C. Haak to serve as home missionary. Carl Haak (Bethel PRC in Roselle, IL) announced his decline to Faith PRC of Jenison, Michigan.January 14, 2004--Classis East (with approval of delegates ad-examina of Classis West) received the congregation in Wingham, ONT, Canada as the newest Protestant Reformed Church.January 13, 2004--Rev. Ref. June 18, 2008 --Organization of Providence Protestant Reformed Church, Jenison, Michigan. Doug Kuiper (Randolph); and Rev. ), Rev. Langerak (Southeast, Grand Rapids) to serve as their pastor. Ref. C. Spronk (Peace PRC). January 8, 2023 -Rev. Funeral was Thursday, Oct. 21 at the South Holland Protestant Reformed Church.October 17, 2004 --Rev. A. Spriensma (her pastor) to serve as home missionary. Rev. R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC - Spokane, WA) to serve as third missionary to the Philippines. Church, Hull, Iowa, called Rev. Ref. in the History of the Protestant Reformed Churches. This also means that he was led to decline the calls from Faith PRC of Jenison, MI and First PRC, Grand Rapids, MI. K. Koole, will now be considering this appointment.July 10, 2005-Rev. A. Lanning (Jenison) received the call from Hope Prot. : G. Eriks (Hudsonville), R. Hanko (Lynden), and J. Marcus (1st, Edmonton). November 15, 2020 - Kalamazoo PRC announces a trio of Revs. Church called Rev. J. Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids). Church of Wyckoff, NJ. September 30 - 2018 - Grandvilles Council announces a new trio from which to call a minister on loan to Covenant Evangelical Church of Singapore: Rev. February 12, 2023 - Hosanna PRC's Consistoryannounces a new trio ofRevs. Church. Church, Hudsonville) announced his acceptance of the call to Byron Center (MI) Protestant Reformed Church.March 11, 2004--Rev. Church (Walker, MI) made the following trio: Candidate J. Mahtani, Rev. A. Lanning was installed as minister of the Gospel in Covenant EPC of Singapore. September 28, 2008 -Rev. W. Langerak (Southeast), and Rev. The congregation plans to vote on Sunday, July 13. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), E. Guichelaar (Randolph PRC), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace PRC). you will not be able to manage your account with PRCA or access member only information and communications. October 28, 2001 --Hope Prot. Doug Kuiper (Randolph), and Rev. E. Guichelaar (Randolph WI PRC). October 14, 2010 -Daniel Holstege was ordained and installed as pastor in the First Prot. Ref. November 6, 2011- Rev.A.Lanning (Faith PRC) declined the call to Edgerton (MN) Protestant Reformed Church. John Marcus (Edmonton) to serve as their pastor. M.De Boer (Edgerton, MN), Rev. Lanningreceives from Prof.D.Engelsma his "charge" as pastor of Covenant Evangelical Reformed Church of Singapore and officially begins his labors in that sister church as Minister-on-Loan (called by Grandville PRC). July 10, 2011- Cornerstone's trio are the three candidates: Nathan Decker, Brian Huizinga, and Jon Mahtani. William Langerak, and Rev. C. Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA) had declined the call extended to him on July 17, 2016 by that congregation. October 3, 2021 - Rev. Rodney Miersma accepted the call from Loveland CO Protestant Reformed Church and declined the call from Edgerton MN Protestant Reformed Church.November 20, 2005 -Rev. Ref. Ref. Ref. Allen Brummel (Sioux Falls, SD), Gary Eriks (Hudsonville), and Brian Huizinga (Redlands, CA) from which to call a new pastor. E.Guichelaar (Randolph PRC), J. Mahtani (Grandville PRC), and C. Spronk (Faith PRC). Church called Rev. June 19, 2022 -Rev. They plan to call December 25. July 27, 2021 - Rev. Ref. J. Marcus. August 9, 2020 - Rev. Member Records: (719) 528-4747 Main Number: (719) 593-8840 Environment: Stage : ID: PWD: Forgot Password? Ronald Van Overloop (Georgetown, Hudsonville, MI) received the call through the Hull, Iowa Prot. The congregational meeting is scheduled for the evening of Nov.21. N. Langerak (Crete PRC, IL). A. Brummel (currently serving them as missionary), Rev. Ref. Church, Lacombe, ABFebruary 22, 2004--Rev. Ref. M. Dick announced his decline of the call to serve as missionary to the Philippines. C. Haak (Georgetown), Rev. Wayne Bekkering announces that he has accepted the call to serve as second missionary to Ghana. Mitchell Dick received the call from Covenant Protestant Reformed Church, Wyckoff, NJ.November 16, 2005- Candidate John Marcus was examined and approved for ordination into the ministry by Classis West meeting in Randolph, WI. A. den Hartog retiring at end of 2016): Revs. March 28, 2010 -Cornerstone Prot. Doug Kuiper (Randolph) received the call from the Edgerton (MN) Protestant Reformed Church.
NFR History | The Official NFR Experience G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), Rev. July 23, 2017 - Rev. Ref. Ref. John Marcus (Edmonton) received the call from Trinity Protestant Reformed Church, Hudsonville, MI. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) announced his decline of the call from Hudsonville (MI) Prot. April 16, 2017 - Rev. W. Bruinsma (Kalamazoo, MI) received the call to Hudsonville (MI) Protestant Reformed Church.November 9, 2004 --Rev. November 22, 2007 --Rev. Thank you to each of our partners for supporting and growing opportunities for women in rodeo. Ref. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids, MI) and Rev. S. Key (Loveland, CO), and Rev. C. Haak. A. Brummel (Calvary PRC), J. Holstege (Zion), and R. Smit (Philippines). April 25, 2010 --First Prot. October 31, 2010 -Rev. R. Kleyn, Rev. G. Eriks (Hudsonville PRC), Rev. A. Lanning (Faith, Jenison). August 31, 2003 --Rev. A. Spriensma: Revs. R.Smithas just completed his first year of his second three-year term of service. Steven Key (Hull, IA) was called to serve the congregation of Kalamazoo, MichiganJanuary 29, 2006- Rev. K. Koole (Grandville), and Rev. S. Regnerus. They will call, D.V., December 3. R. Van Overloop (Grace MI PRC). April 15, 2010 -Trio for Kalamazoo Prot. September 12, 2010 -Candidate Dan Holstege announced his acceptance of the call from First Prot. February 20, 2022 - Rev. Martin Vander Wal to serve them as their next pastor.October 21, 2001-- Rev. Church in Hudsonville. July 17, 2022 -Zion PRC's Council(Jenison, MI) announced anew trio for domestic missionary:Rev. August 14, 2022 - Hudsonville PRC's Council announced a new trio of Revs. May 13, 2009 -Byron Center, MI made the following trio: Rev. Church. R. Kleyn [Covenant of Grace PRC], Rev. Church (Walker, MI) made the following trio: Rev. H.Bleyenberg (Providence PRC) accepted the call to Immanuel PRC (Lacombe, AB). March 29, 2009 -Rev. June 26, 2022 - Hudsonville PRC voted to call Rev. They plan to call at a congregational meeting on Thursday, January 22nd. G. Eriks (Hudsonville, MI) & Rev. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) declined the call from Faith Prot. Erik Guichelaar (Randolph PRC), and Rev. Church of Spokane, WA. November 30, 2010 -Rev. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Garry Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Ref. W. Langerak and Rev. December 12, 1924-- Christian Reformed Classis East of Grand Rapids, MI suspended Rev. January 8, 2023 - Loveland PRC's Council announced the following trio:Rev. M. VanderWal (Redlands, CA), and Rev. Kenneth Koole (Faith, Jenison, MI) announced his acceptance of the call to Grandville, MI Protestant Reformed ChurchOctober 20, 2002 --Rev. Doug Kuiper (Randolph), Rev. September 11, 2022 -The Council ofRandolph PRC(WI) announces the following trio:Rev. R. Cammenga, alternate to Rev. Ronald Van Overloop (Byron Center, MI) received the call by Doon congregation to serve as missionary to the Philippines. Church, Roselle, IL has this trio: Rev. Church (Walker, MI) called Rev. February 9, 2009 -Calvary Protestant Reformed Church has the following trio: Rev. Church, Lacombe, called Rev. Published monthly, it is the official magazine of the WPRA with great stories on our members and partners. Ref. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC) declined the call from First PRC, Holland MI. M. Kortus. Daniel Kleyn (Edgerton, MN) becomes anaturalized citizenof the United States of America. Mitchell Dick (Grace Prot. David Overways request to be released from the ministry according to Article 12 of the Church Order.". Seminary) received the call to Hudsonville Prot. February 22, 2009 -Rev. January 1, 2008 --Doon congregation called Rev. A Spriensma (Kalamazoo). July 3, 2011- Hope (Walker) received a decline from Rev. January 13, 2019 - Trinity PRC's Council announces a new trio: Rev. May 18, 2008 --Rev. Aud Spriensma announced his acceptance of the call to Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church. February 29, 2004--Rev. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids, MI) received the call from the congregation in Doon, IowaSeptember 19, 2004 --Rev. Carl Haak (Bethel, Roselle, IL) received the call from Byron Center, MI Protestant Reformed Church.January 20, 2002-- Rev. July 19, 2009 -Trio for Trinity Prot. July 23, 2017 - Edgerton PRC voted to extend a call to Cand. E. Guichelaar (Randolph PRC) receives the call from Grandville PRC to serve as minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. October 22, 2017 - Rev. Church and Hope Prot. March 4, 2009 -Classis West with Delegates of Classis East approve organization ofCovenant of Grace Protestant Reformed Fellowship, Spokane, Washington. M. Vanderwal (Redlands). July 21, 2019 - Cand. H. Bleyenberg (Providence, PRC, MI), and Rev. Ref. August 18, 2002--Rev. Member Records - 719.528.4747 Doctor Release Fax - 719.548.4868 Email - November 13, 2016 - The Council of First PRC, Holland, MI has formed a new trio of Rev. Ref. Ref. R. Barnhill preaches his farewell in Peace PRC. February 5, 2023 - Rev. James Slopsema (First, Grand Rapids) to be their pastor.September 7, 2003--Rev. D. Kuiper (Randolph) declined the call to Hull, IA congregation. January 9, 2022 - Heritage PRC extended a call to Rev. September 26, 2004 --Rev. September 5, 2021 - The Council of Covenant of Grace PRC (Spokane, WA) has formed a new trio from which to call a pastor: Rev. N. Langerak (Crete), Rev. March 21, 2010 -Rev. W. Langerak to serve as home missionary. Ref. Mitchell Dick (Grace, Standale, MI) declined the call to serve as home missionary to labor at Pittsburgh, PA and the eastern United States.July 25, 2005 -Rev. August 28, 2016 - The congregation of First PRC, Holland, MI, extended a call to Rev. E. Guichelaar (Randolph, WI PRC) DECLINED the call from Grandville PRC to serve as minister-on-loan to Covenant ERC in Singapore. August 22, 2010 -South Holland Protestant Reformed Church begins its first Sunday services in their new church building in Crete, IL. The trio consists of Revs. September 14, 2014 - The Council ofDoon PRC announced a new triofor the purpose of callinga missionary to labor in the Philippines,for the replacement of Rev.R.Smit. Wayne Bekkering is installed as missionary to Ghana in a special service at the Hull, Iowa Protestant Reformed Church.October 4, 2001 --Trinity Protestant Reformed Church made a trio of: Revs. G. Eriks (Hudsonville), Rev. Rev. January 18, 2009 -Rev. J. Engelsma (Doon), G. Eriks (Hudsonville), and R. Kleyn (Covenant of Grace, Spokane). The congregation plans to vote on December 4. July 20, 2011- Hope Prot. C. Haak (Georgetown PRC, Hudsonville, MI); Rev. Garry Eriks (Loveland, CO) received the call to Byron Center Protestant Reformed Church, Byron Center, MI.December 11, 2003--Rev. Church in Standale, MI. We provide members with industry benchmarking data, facilitate the sharing of communications best practice, help members to prove their professionalism and commitment to ethical behavior, and offer unparalleled networking opportunities. J. Marcus (Edmonton). March 24, 2019 - Rev. October 27, 2013 - Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) extended a call to Rev.G.Eriks of Hudsonville PRC. August 18, 2013 - The Council of Faith PRC (Jenison, MI) announces a new trio of Revs.C.Griess (Calvary PRC, Hull, IA), J.Marcus (First PRC, Edmonton, AB), and R.Van Overloop (Grace PRC, Standale, MI). Church in Holland, MI has made the following trio: Rev. M. Vanderwal receives the call from First PRC, Edmonton, AB. March 8, 2015 - It was announced in Doon PRC, the calling church for the PRC mission work in the Philippines, that Rev.D.Holstege (First PRC, Holland, MI) had declined the call to serve as second missionary there, for the replacement of Rev.R.Smit.