כוח הפרי: רעידות. The user punches, and their fists create a shattering effect known as tremor. Nach Shirohiges Tod übernimmt Kurohige die Kräfte auf bisher ungeklärte Weise. 1 Titel. Seperti yang dinyatakan oleh Admiral Sengoku di chapter … Roƅ Suck my dick, Suit. This is the first Devil Fruit to be shown to belong to two separate users, having been acquired by, The Gura Gura no Mi's power is one of the two aspects that made Whitebeard resemble the Greek God, The idea of a Devil Fruit that would allow someone to create tsunamis was first brought up when. Mas - 50 (X) - Tremor Wave - volita. « Did you know it was the Gura Gura no mi it's one of the best kept treasure of the sea. 1. グラグラの実, ~) ist eine Paramecia-Teufelsfrucht, von der Shirohige gegessen hat. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten. 2. Once fully mastered, Nemesis can switch his power on and off, in case he needs to let go of something. It cost 10 mill in game and turns out its trash only the first move dose what guragura no mi is supposed to do so add that to all other moves and buff it to do the supreme damage it should do it should also be moved to shenron exclusive but that's not a must but please buff gura … The Gura Gura no Mi grants the user the ability to wield and control tremors. Join Facebook to connect with Gura Gura No Mi and others you may know. Official English Name: All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Marvel: Gura Gura no Mi. Gura Gura no Mi – The Strongest and Most Feared Paramecia OK it’s fair to say this is one powerful fruit… But is it the devil fruit or the user who makes it infamous? I also believe that Whitebeard’s DF, the Gura Gura no Mi (tremor tremor fruit) was also awakened. [14] It should be noted, however, that only after Ace's death did Whitebeard truly attempt to erase Marineford in his anger,[10] but it was Blackbeard who truly was willing to destroy the island using both of his Devil Fruit powers. The damage output of the basic attack is 1/6 of the devilfruit stat, the attacks itself are different. The Gura-Gura No Mi, which translates to the Quake-Quake Fruit is a paramecia type fruit that grants the user the ability to make tremors. Paramecia To connect with Gura, sign up for Facebook today. Itu dimakan oleh Edward Newgate "Whitebeard", tetapi setelah kematiannya, kekuatannya dicuri oleh Marshall D. Teach "Blackbeard".Buah ini sangat ditakuti mampu … GURA GURA NO MI TERLALU KUAT VS CHRISTOPHER DEVIN Luthfi Halimawan. [8] Because of this, Fleet Admiral Sengoku has stated that Whitebeard holds the power to destroy the world,[6] and Vice-Admiral Tsuru stated that, even if she retreated to the ends of the ocean, there would be no safe place left in the world for her to go when faced with the power of the Gura Gura no Mi. I also believe that Whitebeard’s DF, the Gura Gura no Mi (tremor tremor fruit) was also awakened. Gura Gura no Mi Goro Goro no Mi (yep, Goro fruit's actual color is yellow in the manga) Which fruit would you choose ? Nutzung von Community-Inhalten gemäß. פעם ראשונה שנראה במנגה: צ'אפטר 552. יכולות הפרי: פעם ראשונה שנראה באנימה: פרק 461 . S14: Episode 461, Die Gura Gura no Mi (jap. The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations (or "quakes"), making the user a Tremor Human (震動人間 'Shindō Ningen'?). HOLDS THE POWER TO DESTROY THE VERY WORLD!!! The Gura Gura no Mi or Quake Quake devil fruit allows the user to generate seismic quakes or charges. [18] Because of this, allies of the user must be prepared for the impacts unless they want to become unintended victims of them. סוג הפרי: פארמיסיה. Mas - 100 (C) - Tremor Erupt - onda zpanziba ke aze bolar enemijoz. Part of why the Gura Gura no Mi is so far been intimidating is that it was in the world’s strongest man’s hands, and now it is owned by one of the Four Emperors Blackbeard. The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations (or "quakes"), making the user a Tremor Human (震動人間, Shindō Ningen?). Idle. Whitebeard’s DF allowed him to create earthquakes. Shirohige verwendet… Damage: 1000 Stamina Cost: 350 Cooldown: 5 XP Gain: 90 Type: Hitscan Projectile + AoE. Im Anime … Gura … Strengths and Weaknesses Edit The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations, or "quakes",1 making the user a Tremor Human (震動人間, Shindō Ningen? See more people named Gura De Miel . Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. Gura Gura: Kaishin. The damage output of the basic attack is 1/6 of the devilfruit stat, the attacks itself are different. Whitebeard demonstrated four separate, distinct techniques with his Devil Fruit, and could also imbue the direct contact techniques with Busoshoku Haki to attack Logia users at close range. It would be just like Gekishin but a weapon is required! グラグラの実, ~) ist eine Paramecia-Teufelsfrucht, von der Shirohige gegessen hat. It was originally eaten by Edward Newgate, and later stolen thro… [2], This fruit is fearsomely reputed to be able to destroy the world,[5] and is considered to be the strongest Devil Fruit within the Paramecia class, having powers no weaker than those of a Logia Devil Fruit.[3]. Auf Napster abspielen. La Gura Gura no Mi és una fruita del diable del tipus paramècia que permet a l'usuari crear vibracions (o "tremolors") per l'aire, el terra o el mar. Gura Gura: Gekishin . Damage: 1000 Stamina Cost: 350 Cooldown: 5 XP Gain: 90 Type: Hitscan Projectile + AoE. Selain karena digunakan oleh Shirohige (salah satu bajak laut paling menakutkat saat itu) buah iblis satu ini berpotensi menghancurkan dunia! [9], The user of this fruit can devastate an entire island with ease,[10] although their limitations are noticeable: it took repeated usages to come close to destroying the Marine base at Marineford (in fact, Whitebeard failed to do so before dying,[11][10] and Blackbeard almost completed the task[12]); the shock waves were blocked by the siege wall, albeit one made from an especially strong metal superior to ordinary steel or seastone;[13] and Admiral Aokiji easily stopped the tsunami that Whitebeard created. Erdbeben-Frucht This fruit is fearsomely reputed to be able to destroy the world, and is considered to be the strongest Devil Fruit within the Paramecia-class, having powers no weaker than that of a Logia. So I'll go with electricity. Mas - 1 (Z) - Tremor Punch - punzhi. Gura Gura No Mi es una canción popular de Weskos | Crea tus propios videos en TikTok con la canción Gura Gura No Mi y descubre los 0 videos grabados por creadores nuevos y populares. The Kira Kira no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to transform their body into diamond. The Gura Gura no Mi has been said to be the strongest Paramecia, and is widely feared for its world ending capabilities: “It may very well be us that meet our end here today… Because that man… HOLDS THE POWER TO DESTROY THE VERY WORLD!! Favorites. Tot i que l'usuari té certa facilitat per destruir una illa sencera, la fruita està limitada per la proximitat, és més potent com més proper és l'inici de la vibració, per això en Barbablanca no és capaç de destruir tot Marinefordperò en poc temps en Barbanegra quasi ho aconsegueix. Name Meaning that the prior life’s skills of the user effect the abilities of the consumed fruit. OnePiecePedia ist eine Fandom-Anime-Community. Gura-Gura no mi. Note: all damage numbers are at max level. Usage Debut: Kumo Kumo no Mi, Model: Rosamygale Grauvogeli, From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Gura_Gura_no_Mi?oldid=1759575. משתמש הפרי: כיום בלאקבירד ובעבר וויאטבירד. High quality Gura Gura No Mi gifts and merchandise. Others Named Gura De Miel. Typically used by those anywhere in the game. High quality Gura Gura No Mi gifts and merchandise. Note: all damage numbers are at max level. 2 years ago. The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations (or "quakes"), making the user a Tremor Human (震動人間 'Shindō Ningen'?). Sound of shaking It was eaten by Edward Newgate, and later stolen through unknown means by Marshall D. … ), such as the shaking during an earthquake. Orieh changed description of Gura-Gura no mi. Cancel Unsubscribe. The weakness of this devil fruit is Seastone Gura Gura no Mi Moveset Login into Facebook. משתמש הפרי: כיום בלאקבירד ובעבר וויאטבירד. When Blackbeard took this Devil Fruit's power through an unknown method, he claimed that with the power of quakes which "brings destruction to all" combined with the darkness that "reduces anything to nothingness", he was truly invincible and the strongest. Buah Gura Gura No Mi Adalah Bencana Bagi Dunia Buah Gura Gura no Mi telah diberi label sebagai buah iblis paramecia terkuat yang ada di alam semesta One Piece. Using this, they are capable of tilting an entire island and the sea around it. "Gura Gura" comes from a Japanese onomatopoeia which means unstable or shaking. [3] It was eaten by Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate,[4] but upon his death, its power was stolen by Marshall D. "Blackbeard" Teach. Marshall D. Teach[2], The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations, or "quakes",[1] making the user a Tremor Human (震動人間, Shindō Ningen?). gura gura no mi pictures to create gura gura no mi ecards, custom profiles, blogs, wall posts, and gura gura no mi scrapbooks, page 1 of 250. gura gura no mi pics are great to personalize your world, share with friends and have fun. Whitebeard’s DF allowed him to create earthquakes. The Gura Gura No Miis a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to create earthquakes with their hands and weapons, easily destroying anything in it's path. Teach. Gura Gauri Malik. [13] Additionally, as mentioned previously, due to the fact that Whitebeard's attacks were indiscriminate in who they could hit, his allies and crewmates had to fight a certain distance away from him, giving enemies far more room in attacking him.[20]. The Gura Gura no Mi in effect. Lesehilfe The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, It allows the user to create shock waves.This fruit is one of the best PVP fruits. Gura Gura no Mi Im Manga No info to show. View the profiles of people named Gura Gura No Mi. … [2] Shirohige Sky Quake had an insane hit box and could easily damage opponents from far away but that was fixed. It's an Akuma no mi the one who eats it becomes a tremor man and can destroy the world if he so wishes but in exchange he can never swim again » yelled Shanks grabbing luffy's Head and looking him in the eyes. No Pages to show. Les rèpliques de les vibracions es van sentir a molta distància de Marineford. About Gura De Miel. Type: The Gura Gura no Mi has a enhanced combat. Current User: or. Bio. Gura Gura No Mi. Gura Gura no Mi. 2. Đen nhánh ban đêm, một tòa cô đảo thượng, lại có ngọn đèn dầu quang mang ở lóng lánh. Infos zum Namen Last edited: Oct 9, 2015. The point of this dissection is to break down the Gura Gura no Mi, and what makes it so infamous, and what its prior users may have accomplished. [20], This Devil Fruit has no apparent weakness, aside from the standard Devil Fruit weakness. Gura Gura No Mi SaNa. But what if the Gura Gura no Mi had an even stronger user before Teach and Whitebeard? The point of this dissection is to break down the Gura Gura no Mi, and what makes it so infamous, and what its prior users may have accomplished. Tremor-Tremor Fruit or Quake-Quake Fruit Veröffentlicht: Jun 2020 Label: Spinnup Facebook Twitter Titel. The Ope Ope no Mi is best used by a doctor, the Yomi Yomi no Mi is enhanced by Brook’s musical … Oct 9, 2015 #2 Goro Goro is more flexible to work with and make use of than the gura gura. Any edits to this page must be approved by its creator i.e. Gura Gura no Mi – The Strongest and Most Feared Paramecia OK it’s fair to say this is one powerful fruit… But is it the devil fruit or the user who makes it infamous? 1,746 likes. [22] Also, the siege wall that Sengoku planted was composed of a material which Whitebeard's shockwaves could not shatter. [21] This primarily stems from how, even though the user seems to be able to control both the magnitude of the shock wave and its point of impact,[13][10] the quakes produced by these shock waves are indiscriminate in their effects. means \"darkness\" in Japanese. im Original "Gura Gura" comes from a Japanese onomatopoeia which means unstable or shaking. New Ability Hey so I wanted to suggest a 5th ability for the Guro Guro No Mi, where with any weapon you can focus a quake bubble on the blade. The point of this dissection is to break down the Gura Gura no Mi, and what makes it so infamous, and what its prior users may have accomplished. Blackbeard can use all of the abilities that Whitebeard did in addition to his Yami Yami no Mi powers,[2] but he still lacks the mastery of the fruit that Whitebeard had. romanisiert Gura Gura no Mi Die Gura Gura no Mi (jap. Others With a Similar Name. Abilities. 57: Kapitel 552 グラグラの実 Gura Gura: Kaishin. The major strength granted by this fruit to the user is its ability to generate massive vibrations, or shockwaves, which can travel through virtually any medium, including the ground,[1] the seafloor,[7] and even the air. Gura gura no mi PNG Images, Magu Magu No Mi, Cris Taxi Gura Humorului, Ito Ito No Mi, Mera Mera No Mi, Hito Hito No Mi, Ni No Kuni Ii, Hana Hana No Mi PNG The Gura Gura no mi or Tremor Tremor Fruit in english, is a Paramicia type God Fruit that transforms the user into a Tremor-person, allowing the usage of Tremor type attacks Abilities [edit | edit source] [Click] [edit | edit source] Releases a burst of dense air from your palm, cracking the air around you. Log In. Gura Gura No Mi. Gura-Gura no Mi [Bebenfrucht] Typ: Paramecia Beschreibung: Derjenige, welcher von der Gura-Gura no Mi gegessen hat, erhält die Fähigkeit, Erschütterungen in seinem direkten Umfeld zu erzeugen und damit seiner Umgebung, sowie seinen Feinden, zu schaden. The Guri Guri no Mi is white with black blots that look like hands. Edward Newgate[1] Paramecia[1] Dealing a decent amount of damage depending on your level [R] Tremor Break … Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. [4] The destructive power that this fruit granted him contributed to his being known as the strongest man in the world. Blackbeard, wielding both the powers of the Yami Yami no Mi (right hand) and the Gura Gura no Mi (left hand). It was eaten by Jozu.2 1 Etymology 2 Strengths and Weaknesses 3 Usage 3.1 Attacks 3.1.1 Video Game-only Attacks 4 Trivia 5 References 6 External Links 7 … El poder de la fruita pot tr… Ersterwähnung Mas - 150 (V) - Tsunami - atraez 2 zunamiz ke aplaztan toda la izla. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Gura Gura no Mi. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Actions . This makes the user a Quake Human. In the anime, this fruit is used by the legendary Edward Newgate, more commonly known as Whitebeard. Selain karena digunakan oleh Shirohige (salah satu bajak laut paling menakutkat saat itu) buah iblis satu ini berpotensi menghancurkan dunia! Photos. Furthermore we see more of … One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Entdecken Sie Gura Gura No Mi von Weskos bei Amazon Music. Except Luffy is made of rubber and excessive shockwaves won’t have much effect on him. [23] None of his attacks are named in the manga or anime, but are named in the game One Piece: Gigant Battle. The Gura Gura No Mi can easily attack the Magu user while he charges, from range, while the enemy with Magu would not be able to fight back in time. Obtained from under trees, and from the Devil Fruit Salesman for B$380,000. Statistics A més el poder de la fruita és bloquejat pels murs d'aïllament de la badia de Marineford, tot i que aquesta és capaç de deformar-los. Gura Gura No Mi. The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations (or "quakes"), making the user a Tremor Human. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei Amazon.de. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Phần 50. כוח הפרי: רעידות. Whitebeard’s awakened ability allowed him to manipulate the air around him by punching it and creating air quakes, rather than punching the ground and directly causing an earthquake through the ground. The Guru Guru no Mi looks like a cream-colored durian fruit with maroon swirls. The Guri Guri no Mi grants its user with the power to never drop what he is holding. This gives the person 4 abilities, as well as a basic attack. [19], However, this Devil Fruit's powers are noted to be a hazard to both friend and foe alike, as observed by both the Whitebeard[20] and Blackbeard Pirates. Damage: 1167 Stamina Cost: 320 Cooldown: 4 XP Gain: 85 Type: AoE. \"Guragura\" (グラグラ/ぐらぐら, \"Guragura\"?) Damage: 1167 Stamina Cost: 320 Cooldown: 4 XP Gain: 85 Type: AoE. Note; All damage numbers are at max level. Damage: 933 Cooldown: 45 Stamina Cost: 1000 XP Gain: 500 Type: AoE. Gura Gura no Mi adalah Buah Iblis tipe Paramecia yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menciptakan getaran, atau "gempa", membuat pengguna menjadi Manusia Gempa (震動 人間 Shindō Ningen?). Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. פעם ראשונה שנראה באנימה: פרק 461 . Tác giả: Ngải L ê. Chương 50 trong bóng đêm vương giả. Entdecken Sie Gura Gura No Mi von Weskos bei Amazon Music. What if the Gura Gura no Mi falls into the same category as the Ope Ope no Mi or the Yomi Yomi no Mi? Soca Kawaii as Fuck. Buah Gura Gura No Mi Adalah Bencana Bagi Dunia Buah Gura Gura no Mi telah diberi label sebagai buah iblis paramecia terkuat yang ada di alam semesta One Piece. zuletzt gegessen von Gura Gura No Mi. פעם ראשונה שנראה במנגה: צ'אפטר 552. In the Viz Manga and FUNimation subs, it is called the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. Verfügbar mit einem Apple Music‑Abo. Gura Gura: Tsunami. הסבר על הפרי: נותן למשתמש הפרי את הכוח ליצור רעידות. Damage: 933 Cooldown: 45 Stamina Cost: 1000 XP Gain: 500 Type: AoE. Other. הסבר על הפרי: נותן למשתמש הפרי את הכוח ליצור רעידות. Island Shaking: The user "grabs" an entire area, by grabbing the air around them as if it were tangible, and rapidly shifting it. Whitebeard’s awakened ability allowed him to manipulate the air around him by punching it and creating air quakes, rather than punching the ground and directly causing an earthquake through the ground. Damage: 714 Stamina Cost: 350 Cooldown: 6 Seconds Type: Hitscan Projectile + AoE. DEWELBE A MI IJOH AKAINUH -empiezah a tirah zunamiz-puedez krear terremotoz i zumaniz. [17] Teach has demonstrated the usage of Kaishin,[32] Kabutowari[33] and Shima Yurashi. His killer, Blackbeard, used an unknown procedure while covered by a black cloth to somehow transfer the ability into himself. Shirohige verwendet keine Attackennamen, um seine Kräfte einzusetzen, sondern führt sie einfach aus. Gura Gura no mi on Project X Gura Gura no mi = { Description }= A Devil Fruit power that gives the user control over shockwaves and tremors. Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei Amazon.de. Equip Effect: Gura Gura: Gekishin. However, the three Admirals managed to stop Whitebeard's shockwaves from hitting Marineford's execution platform by combining their Busoshoku Haki. [3] It was eaten by Edward Newgate,[4] but upon his death, its power was stolen by Marshall D. グラグラのみ Gura Gura no Mi là Trái á.c q.u.ỷ đầu tiên được thuộc về hai người dùng riêng biệt, đã được Marshall D. Teach chiếm đoạt sau khi Edward Newgate qua đời, thông qua một phương pháp chưa được tiết lộ. Löse-Frucht This became a phenomenon that was met with shock and horror at a global scale, as not only was Blackbeard the first and so far the only person known to possess two Devil Fruit powers without his body exploding, but he destroyed the world's relief at believing that the threat of the Gura Gura no Mi is over by demonstrating his new-found powers, causing even more grief.[35]. Previous User: Gura Gura no Mi. Nach Shirohiges Tod übernimmt Kurohige die Kräfte auf bisher ungeklärte Weise.123 Die Kraft dieser Frucht ist es, Erschütterungen auszulösen, die Erdbeben auslösen können. Gura Gura no Mi – The Strongest and Most Feared Paramecia. The Gura Gura no Mi in effect. The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations (or "quakes"), making the user a Tremor Human(震動人間, Shindō Ningen?). Oct 9, 2015 #3 I mean, WB is an actual … סוג הפרי: פארמיסיה. ME. Loading... Unsubscribe from Luthfi Halimawan? Gura Gura: Kaishin . It was eaten by Rob Nemesis. The user can use this to cause a mini earthquake or shake the entire island. Kostenlos testen. Gura Gura no mi Gura Gura no Mi. Gurade Miel. In the Viz Manga and FUNimation dub, it is called the Dark-Dark Fruit. Abspielen 1. übersetzt Basic Combat [edit | edit source] Basic Combat. menjadi wibu adalah jalan ninja ku Equip Effect: Gura Gura: Gekishin. Gura Gura no MI (Tremo Tremor Fruit) (That's the Tremor Tremor Fruit the most powerful fruit at anime) Z - Gura Smash> Destroy a piece of land by propelling your enemies to the sky {Lv 20} X - Gura Ball> Creates a powerful sphere to throw your enemies away {Lv 40} C - Gura Tsunami> Create a Tsunami hitting everything at island* (Need hold for 5~6 seconds) {Lv 80} Actions. The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations, or "quakes",[1] making the user a Tremor Human (震動人間 Shindō Ningen?). Every punch gives a knockback effect on all players and mobs. 1. Blackbeard using the power of the Gura Gura no Mi. Log in or Create an account to see photos of Gura De Miel. The Gura Gura no Mi has been said to be the strongest Paramecia, and is widely feared for its world ending capabilities: “It … [15] Although neither man succeeded in sinking the island, with both having been stopped[11][16] and the latter lacking enough control over the power,[17] the resulting aftershocks and tsunami were felt far away from Marineford.[18]. This fruit is fearsomely reputed to be able to destroy the world, and is considered to be the strongest Devil Fruit within the … Japanese Name: In the world of One Piece, there are many kinds of devil fruits that grant their wielder amazing powers, but the most powerful of the paramecia type is easily the Gura Gura no Mi or Tremor-Tremor Fruit.The Tremor-Tremor Fruit was originally wielded by Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, and the current holder of the power is Blackbeard, Marshall D. Teach. Bd. Yami (闇, Yami?) Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sign Up. [2], *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. Gura Gura no Mi. Shop high-quality unique Gura Gura No Mi T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. [2] Gura gura no mi is supposed to be one of the strongest devil fruit in one piece but it is being disrespected. The Gura Gura no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit which allows the user to create vibrations, or "quakes",[1] making the user a Tremor Human (震動人間 Shindō Ningen?). Meaning: is a Japanese onomatopoeia describing loose, irregular/unstable movements (shaking, wobbling, etc. Nemesis uses this power when fighting, so he is never disarmed. Gura Gura no Mi (KDAU)/Attacks & Techniques is the property of Kai De Avalon. יכולות הפרי: Hirofumi Takei, Autor des Chopperman-Spinoffs, „Tenyasha“ Donquixote Doflamingo (ehemalig), https://onepiece.fandom.com/de/wiki/Gura_Gura_no_Mi?oldid=53886, In der deutschen Fassung wurde die Teufelsfrucht. Hỗ trợ giao diện điện thoại, tablet, tải app đọc truyện offline, EPUB. Part of why the Gura Gura no Mi is so far been intimidating is that it was in the world’s strongest man’s hands, and now it is owned by one of the Four Emperors Blackbeard. "Gura Gura" comes from a Japanese onomatopoeia which means unstable or shaking. !” Đọc truyện Trái Gura Gura no Mi Tại Đô Thị tác giả Nguyễn Thắng FULL chương 55 mới nhất. The Gura Gura no mi or Tremor Tremor Fruit in english, is a Paramicia type God Fruit that transforms the user into a Tremor-person, allowing the usage of Tremor type attacks Abilities [edit | edit source] [Click] [edit | edit source] Releases a burst of dense air from your palm, cracking the air around you. The Devil Fruit: Attacks & Techniques: User: Gura Gura no Mi: Statistics: Japanese Name: グラグラの実 : Romanized Name: Gura Gura no Mi: English Name: Tremor Tremor Fruit: Meaning: Sound of Shaking: Usage Debut: War of West … グラグラの実 [34], At some point in his life, Whitebeard ate the Gura Gura no Mi. Create New Facebook Account. Damage: 833 Stamina Cost: 320 Cooldown: 4 Seconds Type: AoE Extra info: Doesn't hit if you are on top of the enemy. Super Moderator. [6], Although Whitebeard died, the Gura Gura no Mi did not return to circulation due to exceptional circumstances. Chapter 552; Episode 461 (Edward Newgate)[1]Chapter 577; Episode 486 (Marshall D. Teach)[2] Gura Gura no Mi – The Strongest and Most Feared Paramecia. dt. [1][2][3], Die Kraft dieser Frucht ist es, Erschütterungen auszulösen, die Erdbeben auslösen können. The user … "Gura Gura" comes from a Japanese onomatopoeia which means unstable or shaking. The Gura Gura No Miis one of two DevilFruits that can counter or negate some of Magu Magu No Mi's attacks, where the other is Daiya Daiya No Mi. [3] It was eaten by Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate,[4] but upon his death, its power was stolen by Marshall D. "Blackbeard" Teach. Gura Gura: Tsunami. The Gura Gura no Mi has a enhanced combat. And excessive shockwaves won ’ t have much effect on all players and.... Stronger user before Teach and Whitebeard על הפרי: נותן למשתמש הפרי את הכוח רעידות! Named Gura Gura '' comes from a Japanese onomatopoeia describing loose, irregular/unstable movements ( shaking, wobbling etc... Their fists create a shattering effect known as the Ope Ope no Mi has a enhanced.... Or create an account to see photos of Gura de Miel is used by the Edward... Into himself bajak laut paling menakutkat saat itu ) buah iblis satu ini berpotensi menghancurkan dunia than Gura. Same category as the Ope Ope no Mi did not return to circulation due to exceptional.. 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